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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:24

... Because it's Later Than You Think

Part III

[Note: Certain information in Part III was taken from the article "The Julian and the Gregorian Calendars" by Peter Meyer.]



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Our modern calendar, the "Gregorian Calendar," came into being in 1582 after Pope Gregory 13th issued a Papal Bull (order) to reform the calendar. The previous calendar, the "Julian," created by Julius Caesar of Rome (the Julian calendar had been adopted by the Christian Church at the council of Nicaea in AD 325, the first of the general councils of the Church), had become increasingly inaccurate and by 1582 many key religious celebrations, like Easter, had drifted far from the dates they were originally celebrated.

The reason for this is astronomical. Calendars are measurements of time, which ultimately is measured by the movements of the Earth, Moon and stars. In the Julian calendar, the average year (one Earth orbit around the sun) was measured as 365.25 days. In reality, the length of the year is significantly different. Although astronomers disagree as to the correct length of the year [either 365.2422 days ("mean solar days" of the "mean tropical year") or 365.2424 days of the "vernal equinox year"], the difference of the length of the Julian calendar year from the length of the real solar year is thus 0.0078 days (11.23 minutes) in the former case and 0.0076 days (10.94 minutes) in the latter case.

This error accumulates, so that after about 131 years the calendar is out of sync with the equinoxes and solstices by one whole day. Thus as the centuries passed, the Julian Calendar became increasingly inaccurate with respect to the astronomical Seasons. Since the sliding calendar date of Easter is determined in reference to the fixed Spring (Vernal) Equinox (a day in which the amount of daylight and darkness is very close to being equal), measured relative to the moving phases of the Moon, it was critical for the Church to have an error-free, fixed calendar reference point (the Spring Equinox) -- for calculating this most holy festival: Christ's death and resurrection.

In order to resolve this situation, Gregory 13th's predecessor, Pope Paul 3rd, appointed a commission of astronomers to determine the necessary changes to the calendar. He recruited several prominent astronomers, most notably the Jesuit Christopher Clavius (1537-1612), to come up with a solution. They built upon calendar reform proposals by the astronomer and physician Luigi Lilio (d. 1576) and Pitatus. When Pope Gregory XIII was elected he found various proposals for calendar reform before him, and decided in favor of that of Clavius.

The Gregorian reform consisted of the following:

    Ten days were omitted from the calendar, and it was decreed that the day following (Thursday) October 4, 1582 (which is October 5, 1582, in the old calendar) would thenceforth be known as (Friday) October 15, 1582.

    The rule for leap years was changed. In the Julian Calendar a year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4. In the Gregorian Calendar a year is a leap year if either (i) it is divisible by 4 but not by 100 or (ii) it is divisible by 400. In other words, a year which is divisible by 4 is a leap year unless it is divisible by 100 but not by 400 (in which case it is not a leap year). Thus the years 1600 and 2000 are leap years, but 1700, 1800, 1900 and 2100 are not.

    New rules for the determination of the date of Easter were adopted.

    The first day of the year (New Year's Day) was set at January 1st.

    The position of the extra day in a leap year was moved from the day before February 25th to the day following February 28th.

The ostensible purpose of these changes was to establish a consistent date for Easter and to bring the calendar back to the same relation with the movements of the heavens which it had at the time of Constantine's famed "Nicaean Council," in AD 325.

In reality, according to the culmination of three years of Enterprise research, the reform seems to have had a very different purpose ... apparently having little to do with "Christ" or "Easter" (despite the Church's public posture) -- and everything to do with prearranging the precise one-time placement of the complex spatial motions of Earth/Sirius we have now reported ...

Both Western calendars, the Julian and Gregorian, were influenced heavily by Egyptian beliefs and advocates. The Julian Calendar was adopted in the (Gregorian) year 46 BC after Caesar had spent considerable time consulting with Egyptian educated astronomer and priest Sosigenes. Caesar had arrived in Egypt in 48 BC in pursuit of his friend and rival Pompeii after defeating him in the battle of Pharsalus and ending a Roman civil war. While there, Caesar was educated in the ways of Egyptian astronomy and religion. He learned that the Ancient Egyptians predicted the annual Nile flooding on the basis of the appearance of Sirius. The period between was 365.25 days -- less than an hour wrong in five years. This must have seemed like a high degree of accuracy for its day. So, abandoning the Roman lunar calendar, Caesar set alternating months of 31 and 30 days with February having only 29 days except every fourth year when February 23 was repeated.

The result of this system, a 365 day year with a leap year every four, was superior to the previous Roman system and at first glance appears to be a practical and reasonably accurate calendar. But what is less clear is Caesar's motive for creating a calendrical system in the first place. Although it was inaccurate, the Roman calendar was hardly a logical concern for a warrior like Caesar. He was obsessed at this point in his life with becoming the first emperor of the Roman empire, and creating a new calendar was hardly the type of activity which would, on the surface anyway, advance such ambitions.

What we tend to forget in our modern perspective on such things is that the men of this age were not merely politicians or soldiers or even both, but frequently priests, mystics and magicians as well. Most of them had a belief that their paths had been shaped by divine and mysterious forces, and they spent a great deal of time trying to master and understand these forces. Caesar would have been no different, and it is likely that the Egyptian queen Cleopatra introduced him to the secrets of Egyptian ritual and magic as a payment for his gift of placing her exclusively on the Egyptian throne. Her ambitions rivaled his, and showing Caesar the powers hidden in the rites and science of the world's oldest civilization would have been a tremendous bonding agent between them.

Rispondi  Messaggio 10 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:25

But Caesar came to the table in Egypt with an already well established understanding of the stars and ancient mysteries. He had been co-opted into the Roman college of priests in 73 BC and became Consul for Gaul (France) in 59 BC after submitting an extensive report on the Druid religion to the Empire. He spent several years studying them and learning their religions and astronomical sciences, which ultimately led to his authorship of a book on astronomy while stationed in Gaul.

The Druids were the guardians of most of the megalithic sites in what is now England and Scotland, including Stonehenge, New Grange, and Avebury and Silbury Hill. A recent book by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, "Uriel's Machine" (following on the pioneering work in the 1960's of Thom and Hawkins), makes a compelling case that these sites were astronomical and calendrical in nature, and that the knowledge of how to use them was transmitted by the Watchers, a group of "semi-divine" beings that have counterparts in many other ancient religions -- including Egypt's. The purpose of these massive instruments was to give the users a sense of where they stood in the overall time scheme relative to precession, the (roughly) 26,000 years cycle of the Earth's "wobble" on its rotational axis. Inherent in this apparent ancient understanding of precession is an equally unbelievable link to a pre-historic concept of "Hyperdimensional Physics" (for "primitive" peoples) -- a science that could conceivably impart its initiates with what must have seemed like "magical" powers over both "nature" and other human beings.

Apparently at Caesar's behest, the Roman empire than began a century long campaign to wipe the Druids from the Earth. Caesar himself made a landing on the English coast in 55 BC, but was stymied. Eventually, the fourth Roman emperor Claudius succeeded in conquering Britain and decimating the Druid population.

This is all the more strange when you consider that the Druidic culture of the times was essentially a bunch of  illiterate (because they committed all of their knowledge to memory, and did not by law write any of it down) savages, literally running around in skins, who posed no possible military threat to Rome whatsoever. Britain possessed no great mineral wealth, and in fact was a cold, wet, and generally inhospitable place to live. So why did Rome go so far out its way to expend significant manpower and treasure -- across more than a century of successive administrations -- to ultimately subdue the entire population of an out-of-the-way collection of scattered northern islands ... and to wipe out its reigning priesthood?

The only logical answer is that the Druids possessed "something" of immense value ... or danger ... to Rome. If Caesar learned some valuable secret in his studies with the Druids, a secret that promised unimaginable power or knowledge of the future, he would naturally want to protect this advantage for the good of Rome. His campaign against the Druids seemed calculated to eliminate the magical knowledge of the Druids and preserve the secret for the Republic (soon to be "Empire," under his command) alone. Indeed, for reasons not abundantly clear, the Julian calendar itself is ultimately anchored to Greenwich Mean Time, based in England. In this scenario, Rome's otherwise senseless campaign against the British Isles finally begins to make some sense.

Six years after his campaign in Gaul he made his way to Egypt. As we have seen previously, the Egyptians possessed high knowledge in the movements of the stars and planets, and Sosigenes was a high master of this art. In looking at the results of his wares, the Julian calendar, it becomes obvious just what he had revealed to Caesar.

As we said above, the ancient Egyptian calendar had centered on the annual inundation of the Nile and the periodicity of the so-called "heliacal rising" of the star Sirius. Because of Earth's annual orbit of the Sun, Sirius "disappears" from the night sky at Giza for about 70 days each year, and has done so for hundreds of thousands of years ... Its reappearance, just before sunrise in the East, is called the "heliacal rising of Sirius" ("heliacal," from the Greek "Helios" -- the Rising Sun -- which is just another form of the Egyptian term for the same phenomenon ... "Horus!").

Because of the ever present effects of precession (the ~26,000 year "wobble" of the Earth), this annual disappearance has been systematically sliding through the seasons for all of Egypt's history; in modern times this event now takes place on the 5th of August. In Jesus' time, the heliacal rising was on July 20, a repetitive NASA "ritual date." In ancient times, circa 3300 BC, this "heliacal re-emergence" took place on the summer Solstice (June 21st, Gregorian). Around this same time, the melting snows of the mountains in Central Africa would flood the Nile and provide much needed irrigation for the crops of this otherwise arid land. This conjunction of events led to the marking of the new year coincident with this "magical rebirth" of Sirius, the Nile and Isis. The new year was considered to have started not at midnight, but when Sirius actually reappeared in the sky ... at Dawn ... with Horus.

In his book "Echoes of Ancient Skies", the archaeo-astronomer Dr. Ed Krupp writes about these events,

"After disappearing from the night sky (for 70 days) Sirius eventually reappears in the dawn, before the sun comes up. The first time this occurs each year is called the star's heliacal rising, and on this day Sirius remains visible for only a short time before the sky gets too bright to see it. In ancient Egypt this annual reappearance of Sirius fell close to the summer solstice and coincided with the time of the Nile's inundation. Isis, as Sirius, was the 'Mistress of the Year's beginning', for the Egyptian new year was set by this event. New Year's ceremony texts at Dendera say Isis coaxes out the Nile and causes it to swell. The metaphor is astronomical, hydraulic, and sexual, and it parallels the function of Isis in the myth. Sirius revives the Nile just as Isis revives Osiris. Her time in hiding from Seth is when Sirius is gone (70 days) from the night sky. She (Isis) gives birth to her son Horus, as Sirius gives birth to the new year, and in the texts Horus and the new year are equated. She is the vehicle for renewal of life and order. Shining for a moment, one morning in summer, she stimulates the Nile and starts the year."
So the flooding period of the Nile was more than just the marker of life renewed, it marked the actual beginning of the new calendar year. Caesar would have certainly been inculcated in these ancient beliefs, as well as the many other "Sirius Mysteries" known to Sosigenes. This Sirius influence eventually made its way into the calendar we now call the Julian. From the very first instant of the Julian dating system, the influence of Egypt and Sirius could be felt ...

If you roll the clock back at Giza to Julian date 0000.0000 (01/01/4713 BC noon GMT) you find that Sirius, this most important of celestial markers to the ancient Egyptians, is in a very significant location at 33° below the Eastern horizon. Now, the chances of rolling a calendar, any calendar, back exactly to its origin (over 6,700 years ago!) at exactly the place we would expect to be most significant, and finding exactly the astronomical body we would expect to find in one of the few significant altitudes we would expect to find it, is, well, astronomical! Keeping in mind that the Julian calendar is timed out to the minute, and that Caesar certainly understood the significance of Sirius, we cannot fathom any other conclusion than that this is a product of intentional design! So, we have yet another indisputable confirmation of our Egyptian alignment astronomical model -- this stunning example, at the literal heart of a calendrical system still in use world wide -- not just by NASA ... but by the entire astronomical community.

Rispondi  Messaggio 11 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:26

The placement of this star at 33° is a clear signal that Sosigenes understood the coded basics and symbolic importance of tetrahedral physics. Now it came as no great surprise to us that the starting point of this calendar would be marked by a sacred acknowledgement of the importance of Sirius. Any calendar based in the Egyptian astronomical mysteries the way this one was would almost have to mark its origins with respect to this most sacred star. What is haunting us is the next question: why did Caesar and Sosigenes go all the way back to the predynastic era to "start" their calendar? The Roman civil calendar previously in use had dated from the founding of the city by Romulus and Remus in 753 BC (Gregorian). Why not anchor the new Roman calendar from this same date? Why go all the way back to 4713 BC?

The argument of "mainstream" history is that they didn't ...

Joseph Justus Scaliger

Although this system of dating, called the Julian day numbering system, is usually attributed to Joseph Justus Scaliger (born 1540-08-05 J in Agen, France, died 1609-01-21 J in Leiden, Holland), there is ample evidence that he in fact did not invent it. Scaliger was one of Clavius' advisors, and is generally considered to have been one of the founders of the science of chronology. Scaliger combined three traditionally recognized temporal cycles of 28, 19 and 15 years to obtain a great cycle, the Scaliger cycle, or Julian period, of 7980 years (7980 is the least common multiple of 28, 19 and 15). According to the Encyclopedia Britannica:


"Chronological system now used chiefly by astronomers and based on the consecutive numbering of days from Jan. 1, 4713 BC. Not to be confused with the Julian calendar, the Julian period was proposed by the scholar Joseph Justus Scaliger in 1583 and named by him for his father, Julius Caesar Scaliger. Joseph Scaliger proposed a period of 7,980 years of numbered days to be used in determining time elapsed between various historical events otherwise recorded only in different chronologies, eras, or calendars. The length of 7,980 years was chosen as the product of 28 times 19 times 15; these, respectively, are the numbers of years in the so-called solar cycle of the Julian calendar in which dates recur on the same days of the week; the lunar or Metonic cycle, after which the phases of the Moon recur on a particular day in the solar year, or year of the seasons; and the cycle of indiction, originally a schedule of periodic taxes or government requisitions in ancient Rome. The epoch, or starting point, of 4713 BC was chosen as the nearest past year in which the three cycles began together. 

Contrary to the statement above, the "Julian period" was not named for Scaliger's father, Julius Caesar Scaliger. In his De Emandatione Temporum (1583; "Study on the Improvement of Time") Scaliger writes: "Julianam vocauimus, quia ad annum Julianum accommodata ..." (translated by R. L. Reese et al. (3) as "We have termed it Julian because it fits the Julian year ...").

And according to the US Naval Observatory:

"In the 16th century Joseph Justus Scaliger tried to resolve the patchwork of historical eras by placing everything on a single system. Not being ready to deal with negative year counts, he sought an initial epoch in advance of any historical record. His approach was numerological and utilized three calendrical cycles: the 28-year solar cycle, the 19-year cycle of Golden Numbers, and the 15-year indiction cycle. The solar cycle is the period after which week days and calendar dates repeat in the Julian calendar. The cycle of Golden Numbers is the period after which moon phases repeat (approximately) on the same calendar dates. The indiction cycle was a Roman tax cycle of unknown origin. Therefore, Scaliger could characterize a year by the combination of numbers (S,G,I), where S runs from 1 through 28, G from 1 through 19, and I from 1 through 15. Scaliger first stated that a given combination would recur after 7980 (= 28 x 19 x 15) years. He called this a Julian cycle because it was based on the Julian calendar. Scaliger knew that the year of Christ's birth (as determined by Dionysius Exiguus) was characterized by the number 9 of the solar cycle, by Golden Number 1, and by number 3 of the indiction cycle, or (9,1,3). Then Scaliger chose as this initial epoch the year characterized by (1,1,1) and determined that (9,1,3) was year 4713 of his chronological era. Scaliger's initial epoch was later to be adopted as the initial epoch for the Julian Day numbers."

In other words, the conventional wisdom is that the 4713 BC "zero point" of the Julian calendar comes not from Caesar and Sosigenes, but from a 16th century Catholic astronomer. This is not the case, however.

Roger, Bishop of Hereford, discusses the three cycles used by Scaliger in his Compotus (written in 1176 CE) and states that "these three ... do not come together at one point for 7980 years", although he does not identify the year (4713 B.C.) of their coincidence. Furthermore, according to R. L. Reese et al. ("New evidence concerning the origin of the Julian period", American Journal of Physics, vol. 59 (1991), 1043.):


"A 12th-century manuscript indicates that the 7980-year period was used explicitly for calendrical purposes by an earlier Bishop of Hereford, Robert de Losinga, in the year A.D. 1086, almost a century before the Bishop of Hereford named Roger. ... Robert de Losinga combines the solar, lunar and indiction cycles into a "great cycle [magnum ciclum]" of 7980 years ... Thus the manuscript by Robert de Losinga places the earliest known use of the Julian period in the year A.D. 1086."

So the use of the Julian period, the anchoring of the Julian calendar to 4713 BC, goes back almost a thousand years. Given that Caesar and Sosigenes both had knowledge of Lunar and Solar cycles and obviously the Roman cycle of indiction, it seems likely to us that they could have come to the same conclusion. As it stands, we are not aware of any firm information concerning the original start date of Caesar's calendar.

If we assume for the moment that Caesar and Sosigenes did understand the importance of the Sirius anchor to their calendar system, and were aware of the coincidence of the three cycles in 4713 BC, what is the meaning of this anchor point so long ago, other than the simple homage to the goddess Isis?

We can think of two possibilities, both equally tenable and both possibly correct.

Rispondi  Messaggio 12 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:26

The first is that it is somehow connected to Hyperdimensional physics. As we shall demonstrate later, this time period of 6,700 years ago turns out to be extremely significant in the precessionary cycle we are now near completing. And, that ultimately has major ramifications on what happened in 4713 BC, and may be about to happen again.

The other possibility is that it was intended to "bookend" with some other major astronomical conjunction far into the future. Perhaps the "meridian crossing" of this same star, Sirius, at Giza, midnight January 1, 2000 AD (Gregorian)?

Now, this latter proposal can only work by making the new year begin at midnight, January 1. Why would Caesar agree to this date if the calendar was Egyptian? Why not make it start as the Egyptians did -- with the heliacal rising of Sirius --  if this was a "Sirius based" Egyptian calendar?

Because he wanted to keep it a secret.

46 BC was known in Rome as the "year of confusion" because of all the changes made to the calendar. "January 1" was the traditional date of the seating of the Roman Senate and start of the civil calendar (and, no, the origins of this exact date for the start of the Roman new year are not known ...). Caesar, who had already snatched a great deal of power from the Senate and now wanted to change the calendar as well, argued publicly for the new year to start on the Spring Equinox or the Winter Solstice. We think it is clear he never really wanted to succeed in this desire. By eventually agreeing to "compromise" with the Senate on January 1 (the date he had to have, in order to make the calendar ultimately coincide with Sirius at Giza, at midnight 2000), Caesar could avoid a further confrontation with the Roman Senate by appearing to respect their dwindling authority. In fact, he was getting exactly what he wanted all along.

In any event, the end result was that Sirius would now inexorably cross the "midnight meridian" at Giza, on the now traditionally accepted new year date ... some 2,046 years beyond Caesar's time.

Further proof that Caesar somehow not only understood the importance of Sirius but also the basic tenets of Hyperdimensional Physics is found in his subsequent actions; shortly after his arrival in Egypt, he began a curious persecution of the Jews.

This puzzling persecution (again: another "powerless people," of no conceivable threat to Rome) only makes sense in the light of the work of Stan Tenen, a mathematician and researcher who has spent the better part of 30 years attempting to understand the mathematical roots of the Hebrew alphabet. Tenen's startling conclusions -- that the basis of the entire Hebrew written language is a two-dimensional representation of a three (and higher) dimensional reflection of the rotating symmetries of a tetrahedron -- inexplicably (but unmistakably) links the very language of the Jewish people to Hyperdimensional Physics. As such, the mere existence of the Hebrew people -- another culture fanatically determined to pass along its "sacred" history totally unchanged  -- conceivably represented another "threat" to Rome, and could explain why Caesar was suddenly just as anxious to wipe them out as he was the Druids years before.

None of this helped Caesar. He was assassinated on the Ides (15th) of March the following year. Had things turned out differently, his calendar system might have been lost in the mists of time. As it evolved, Octavian (later Augustus), his adopted son and eventual successor, also made his way to Egypt (in pursuit of Anthony and Cleopatra). Octavian had no obvious reason to continue Caesar's calendar reforms ... but he did so ... and even made modifications to the calendar himself.

Things did not change very much until the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. At that time the pagan emperor Constantine declared the Roman Catholic Church the official state religion of the Roman Empire and transferred the title of "Pontifex Maximus," a pagan authority, to the Church. As the empire waned, the Church expanded, and it seems that whatever secrets Caesar had discovered were held close by the highest authorities in the Vatican. The most crucial determination made by the Nicene council was that the Spring Equinox fell on the date of March the 21st, thereby setting Easter from this date.

Things stayed pretty much the same until 527 AD, when Dionysius Exiguus instituted the so-called "Christian Era." He overturned the Julian practice of dating back to 4713 BC, and established the BC and AD dating system. In doing so, he established a date for both the incarnation and birth of Christ (March 25th, and December 25th respectively. December 26th is the birthday of Osiris). From that time on, all dates would be marked from the year of Christ's birth, and the turn of the 3rd Millennium was then set at January 1, 2000 AD.

Most Christian scholars believe that the year of Christ's birth was actually the year we now know as 7 BC, and that Dionysius was well aware of  this. If that is the case, why did he set the year now known as 1 AD as the beginning of the "Christian" era instead of the real year of Christ's birth?

Because he was not interested in a "Christian Era" at all.

Dionysius worked closely with and was heavily influenced by the "Alexandrian Greeks," educated scholars from Greece who had studied under the Egyptian masters in Alexandria. These ancient Greeks recognized the Phoenix Cycle, derived from the ancient Egyptian legends of the Bennu bird that rose from its own ashes every 500 years. (The Egyptian year comprised twelve 30-day months -- each month of which was divided into three 10-day decans heralded by the heliacal rising of a certain star -- Sirius -- plus five "epagomenal days.") Early Egyptian Christian mystics under Saint Mark combined forces with the Alexandrine Greeks to develop a calendar system that was coordinated with the Egyptian Phoenix Cycle's rhythm, past and future. It was this system that was incorporated when Dionysius made his "Christian era" changes.

But it is clear that Dinoysius did not actually set his "Christian Era" by what he thought was the birth year of Christ. Instead, working with these Egyptian educated astronomers, he looked forward in time to the fourth Phoenix Cycle from the time of the one closest to Christ's birth, 2000 AD, and certainly saw the passing of Sirius on the "once in forever" meridian at Giza. Working back in Phoenix cycles to the year 1 AD, he set that year as the year of Christ's birth and ignored the reality of his birth in what became 7 BC. In order to disguise this blatantly Egyptian (and hence "Pagan") influence, he invented the terms AD and BC to wrap this pagan system in an air of Christian respectability. In other words, the "Christian Era" dates not from "the birth of Christ" forward, but rather from the all-important 2000 AD Sirius meridian passage at Giza -- backward!

A bit more of this history lesson is required here. In the centuries following the dawn of this deceptive "Christian Era" dating, the powers of the Church waxed and waned, and the secular power of the once invincible Roman Empire ultimately collapsed. Islamic forces arose, and eventually took control of much of the "holy land"; simultaneously, there were a variety of internal and external arguments over "Church dogma and authority." Eventually, the Roman Catholic Church -- as theological successor to the once mighty Empire of Rome -- established strongholds in Spain, France, and England (among other rising European nations).

In 1095, Pope Urban II declared a "holy war" against the Muslim invaders of the Holy Land, and launched an effort to retake the "sacred" city of Jerusalem; the infamous "Crusades" had thus begun ... launched in none other than a variant of a "19.5 year!" -- an unmistakable "decimal harmonic" of 1095, in what we've now unequivocally established is actually a clandestine Hyperdimensional Calendar!

Rispondi  Messaggio 13 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:27

By 1099, this was accomplished. Then, around 1113, a new order was formed within the Catholic Church that came to be known as the "Knights Templar" (Knights of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem). One of the original nine founders of this Order, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, also created a monastery in Seborga in northern Italy in 1113. Documents found in this ancient monastery state that it was built to protect a "great secret."

These original nine Knights, all related through a complex series of family relationships, presented themselves to King Baudoin I of Jerusalem in 1118 and were given the duty of keeping Christian pilgrims safe on the roads and highways leading to the holy city from the port of Jaffa. Obviously, such a task was far beyond the capabilities of a mere nine men, and it was a ruse for public consumption in any event. Upon arrival in Jerusalem, the Knights under the patronage of this Vatican appointed Monarch of Jerusalem proceeded directly to the Temple Mount, the ancient site of the Temple of Solomon, and immediately began excavating the (even then) ancient ruin. It is for this work that they received their name, the "Knights of the Temple."

According to another book by Knight and Lomas, "The Hiram Key," the Temple of Solomon was a structure designed under the precepts of "sacred" geometry by the earliest progenitors of Freemasonry and was laid out in such a way as to invoke the essence of the Egyptian myths of Isis and Osiris. According to the Royal (British) engineers who examined the excavations of the Templars in 1867, the Knights found a secret room beneath the Temple Mount and apparently knew exactly what they were looking for and where to find it. Just "what" they found is the subject of legend, but it has gained scholarly support recently. According to the European Templar Heritage Research Network:


"On the exterior of Chartres Cathedral, by the north door, there is a carving on a pillar, which gives us an indication of the object sought by the burrowing Templars, representing the Ark of the Covenant, but in a rather strange context. The Ark is depicted as being transported on a wheeled vehicle. Legend recounts that the Ark of the Covenant had been secreted deep beneath the Temple in Jerusalem centuries before the fall of the city to the Romans. It had been hidden there to protect it from yet another invading army who had laid the city to waste. Hugh de Payen, one of the original nine Templar Knights, had been chosen to lead the expedition mounted to locate the Ark and bring it back to Europe. Persistent legends recount that the Ark was then hidden for a considerable time deep beneath the crypt of Chartres Cathedral. The same legends also claim that the Templars found many other sacred artifacts from the old Jewish temple in the course of their investigations and that a considerable quantity of documentation was also located during the dig. While there has been much speculation as to the exact nature of these documents, a reasonable consensus is emerging that they contained scriptural scrolls, treatises on sacred geometry, and details of certain knowledge, art and science -- the hidden wisdom of the ancient initiates of the Judaic/Egyptian tradition. Until very recently these legends received short shrift from academic historians, but that situation is undergoing considerable change. One modern archeological discovery tends to support the speculative scenario that the Templars knew where to look and precisely what they were seeking.. The Copper Scroll, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered at Quamran, tends to confirm not only the objective of the Templar excavations but also, albeit indirectly, gives some credence to the bizarre concept of the transmission of knowledge through the generations that led to the original Templar discoveries underneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The Copper Scroll, which was unrolled and deciphered at Manchester University under the guidance of John Allegro, was a list of all the burial sites used to hide the various items both sacred and profane described as the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem. Many of these sites have been re-excavated since the discovery of the Copper Scroll, and several of them have disclosed not Temple treasure but evidence of Templar excavation made in the twelfth century."

After their excavations were completed at the Temple Mount, the Knights returned to their native lands. Two of them ventured to Roslin, Scotland, where they set up their headquarters. Shortly afterwards, the Knights were given the official seal of the Roman Catholic Church, and their numbers swelled as wealthy landowners and aristocrats joined their ranks. The Templars went on a binge of Temple construction and brought back many sciences, such as astronomy, from the holy land. Their order grew in stature, wealth and power quickly, and they won battle after battle against the Muslims during the various crusades. Their secret power was supposedly that they held possession of a piece of the true cross of the crucifixion of Christ (probably found in the Temple Mount excavations). This gave them powers over their enemies in battle and they were said to have never lost a battle while in possession of the Cross.

They eventually lost the Cross in the battle of Hattin in 1187 to the Muslim Saladin. After marching on July 2nd, the Templars were surrounded and cut off from water supplies. On July 4th, they broke ranks in thirst and panic, abandoned the encampment and the Cross, and were wiped out by Muslim forces. (These two dates later would become crucial -- not only in the Templar-inspired formation of the United States of America (as we shall see), but in the continuing "hidden ritual history" of NASA as well.)

Ultimately, despite the loss of the Cross, the Templars apparently became a threat to the Church itself. The Pope and the nearly broke King of France, Philip le Bel (1268-1314), plotted to undermine the Order and seize their considerable treasures in France. On Friday, October 13th, 1307, the King's men moved against the Knights and arrested many of them. (This is also why "Friday the 13th" is now considered "unlucky").

Although the Papal conspiracy with King Philip succeeded in obtaining various "confessions" under torture and a considerable sum of Templar wealth, the conspirators never found the ultimate "Templar treasure" itself -- which by now had been secreted away to Scotland. Even so, most of the Order was wiped out in the "10/13" raid (the leader, Jaques de Molay, was burned at the stake), and its members scattered across Europe ... and beyond. On March 22, 1312, the Church officially dissolved the Order by Papal Bull (this date also subsequently became significant, in not only the Nazi movement in Germany but also was another recurring NASA "ritual date"). Surviving German members formed the Teutonic Knights, and the Scottish members went underground ... only to eventually re-emerge as "the Freemasons."

Whatever ancient relics and treasures the Templars held from their Jerusalem (and other Holy Land) excavations, they were from this moment on secreted away beneath Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, in much the same way these same artifacts were once buried under the Temple Mount itself. The "Chapel" itself bears no resemblance to a Christian structure, as many experts who have surveyed it have verified; remarkably, it is laid out along the same architectural lines as the Biblical dimensions given for the original "Solomon's Temple."

Rispondi  Messaggio 14 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:28

The key here is that the Church, as it had done in ancient times, tried to wipe out the competition who had knowledge of the "secret" they had held since at least the time of Caesar. Ultimately it backfired, as these various former members of the Knights Templar became major players in the Reformation and the establishment of the Protestant Church.

Despite the problems created by the Reformation, everything seemed set at this point. The 3rd Millennium would roll over just as the sacred star, Sirius/Isis was transiting the Giza meridian and the Church had for the most part succeeded in keeping this crucial "secret" to itself.

But then, an unforeseen circumstance crept into the picture. The Julian Calendar drift since the time of Caesar's reform forced the Church eventually to address this increasingly problematic issue by the late 16th century. As we have seen, Pope Gregory chose a solution suggested by the astronomer Clavius. However, the solution chosen was far from perfect, and in fact a much better, more accurate and far more "Christian" solution was inexplicably ignored by the Vatican in its "reform."

The crux of our premise is that this single covert choice clinches the notion that we have been manipulated into "turning the Millennium" on the specific date and time that we eventually did. Further: that the alternative, "superior solution" to the calendar problem in 1582 was deliberately ignored, in an effort to continue the large-scale "suppression of sacred knowledge" -- this time, the very foundations of the Western Calendar! -- begun by Caesar himself.

This is not as far fetched as you may think. At least two respected scientists and scholars interested in the "calendar problem," Duncan Steele and Simon Cassidy, have come to the conclusion that this superior solution was not just "ignored" or "overlooked" by the Church in 1582 -- but was deliberately suppressed in the so-called "Gregorian reform." Though reluctant (as almost everyone is!) to abide by "conspiracy theories," neither has yet come up with a plausible (by their own admission) alternative explanation for why the Church would have specifically side-tracked the far better calendar system. And, though they make some feeble attempts to explain this inexplicable choice in terms of "rivalry between the Catholic and Protestant churches," they freely admit that while they are certain the information was suppressed, they ultimately cannot truly explain "why."

We can.

If you take the standard "non-conspiratorial" stance, i.e. that there was no "Egyptian" or "Sirius" influence on these proceedings, then the 1582 reform was primarily concerned with the correct Nicene dating of Easter. In this circumstance, the placement by the Nicene Council of the Vernal Equinox on March 21st should have been -- must have been -- the overwhelming priority in its proceedings.

As the Gregorian reformers wrestled with the problem of the drift in the Julian calendar, they had several proposals in front of them. As we have noted above, Clavius proposed a system not too different from the Julian. Another competing proposal was by a Babylonian-educated Syrian astronomer, named Na'amat Allah. Allah's proposal used a 33-year cycle of leap-year days (as opposed to Clavius' complicated 400-year leap year cycle of every four years, as long as the leap year is divisible by four).

In Allah's system, the 33-year cycle would continuously repeat the first 8 leap-years, in the years 1 to 33 A.D. (nominally the years 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 A.D., based on Dionysius "Christian era" definition). Long division would have been unnecessary to determine whether any given year was a leap-year, since there is a short-cut using addition; just add the century number to the number of years passed in the century. For example: for the year 2012 A.D., we add 20 to 12, and get 32 A.D. This system is easy to understand, and has the added bonus that it elegantly grounds the entire calendar in the traditional 33-year life of Jesus. It could also have kept the Spring Equinox -- the Nicene Council's primary stated calendar objective -- truly confined to the 21st of March.

The reason for this is that Allah's system used a far more accurate interpretation of the length of the so-called "tropical year." (A tropical year is the time it takes the Sun to appear to travel around the sky from a given point of the tropical zodiac back to that same point in the tropical zodiac. This is, in the mean, a little less time than the period it takes the Earth to complete one dynamical circuit of its elliptical orbit around the Sun.) This measurement is frequently misstated, even in astronomical texts, since the length of the tropical year is dependant on where in the zodiac you begin measuring. Because of precession, changes in velocity and the elliptical orbit of the Earth, the time measurement cannot be made from the starting point along the ellipse. Instead, a fairly complicated formula must be used to determine when one complete radial solar cycle has been completed. As officially defined, a "tropical year" is fulfilled when the Earth's axis completes a full cycle of angles with respect to the line joining the center of the Earth to the Sun.

As a result, the length of a tropical year must be stated in terms of an average along all the points of this orbital ellipse, rather than as a "mean interval" between any two dates, like the vernal equinoxes. When calculating this average year, Clavius came up with 365.2425 days. Allah, citing his ancient Babylonian/Sumerian sources, assumed an average length of 365 and eight thirty thirds days, or 365.2424 days.

Allah was right. Modern astronomical calculations confirm that the average length of the tropical year, when measured from the Spring Equinox, is 365.2424 calendar days (to the nearest ten-thousandth of a day). This solution has been the same for centuries, including the 16th century, and will most probably be for millennia to come.

The upshot of all this is that under Clavius' solution, the date of the Vernal Equinox can vary from March 19th to the 22nd, even occasionally stretching into the 23rd. Using the same 10-day calendar correction as Clavius' proposal, Allah's system would have kept the equinox on March 20th. With an 11-day correction, the Equinox could have been anchored to the "correct" Nicene date, March 21st.

Even more, Clavius' proposal allowed the Equinox to drift anywhere within a 53-hour period, year to year, depending on your global location. In fact, in the Gregorian (Clavius) solution adopted by the Church, the Nicene edict cannot be met anywhere on Earth, at any time!

It should be noted that there was NO necessity for "ten days," rather than, say, "twelve days" to have been omitted from the calendar in 1582. In fact, the calendar could have been reformed without omitting any days at all -- since only the new rule for leap years is required to keep the calendar thereafter synchronized with the Vernal Equinox. The number of days omitted only determines the date  for the Spring equinox, an omission of ten days resulting in a date usually of March 20th. So, why did Clavius only omit the ten days, rather the "Nicene Ideal" of 11 days -- since an 11-day correction, with a 33-year cycle, was far more accurate, far more "Christian" in every way ..?


The answer is rather straightforward, if somewhat unbelievable. 

If the Church had deigned to make such an 11-day correction to correctly set the Vernal Equinox on March 21st -- which, remember, was the publicly-stated purpose for the 1582 Reform, and the only "non-Egyptian" official reason ever offered -- it would have quietly destroyed the precise "Sirius alignment" at Giza in the year 2000; one day later -- on what is now January 2nd, 2000 -- Sirius transited the meridian a full six minutes too early. Clavius and Gregory obviously ignored this better 11-day solution for one reason, and one reason only: so the mean "Sirius curve" would ultimately fall on the Giza Meridian, exactly at Midnight ... January 1, AD 2000! Thus -- that had to be the Church's prime (but totally secret) intent in 1582 all along!

The implications of a Catholic Prelate carefully, stealthily maneuvering the entire Roman Catholic Calendar -- which would ultimately become the secular Calendar of the entire world! -- to clandestinely celebrate an ancient Egyptian Fertility Rite at Giza, is as mind-boggling as it is significant ... yet there is still more.

What we shall show next is that not only did the Gregorian Reform dictate a very special symbolic "Sirian Event" in Egypt, nearly half a millennium later, but it also was the prime -- if not the sole -- consideration behind the much-celebrated formation of a young Nation 224 years ago ... that George W. Bush and Albert Gore have now been fighting over ...

Click here for Part 2

Click here for Part 4



















Rispondi  Messaggio 15 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:38

The "Age of Horus" Dawns
The Time is Now ...

... Because it's Later Than You Think

Part IV



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In discussing the decision by the Church to ignore Na'amat Allah's 33-year (with repeating "8-leap-year") cycle, Cassidy and Steele have pointed to the ability of that system alone to determine an exact "true Equinox" longitude on Earth. As we have learned, Clavius' system spread the Equinox out over a 53-hour range, but there was nowhere on Earth that could have a true midnight-to-midnight Equinox. Under Allah's system, the Equinox, while neatly confined to a 24-hour period, would necessarily straddle two consecutive calendar dates. For instance, at Greenwich, England, the Equinox would fall from5:08 AM on March 21st to 5:08 AM on March the 22nd.

Assuming, however, the ultimately correct 11-day calendar change, under Allah's system the Equinox would always fall between midnight and midnight, but only within a narrow band of specific longitude. Along this strip of longitude the Equinox would always have occurred on March 21st. Therefore, this specific band of longitude would be the only one on Earth within which the Nicene edict could stay -- for literally thousands of years -- astronomically correct. This would probably have come to be seen as "God's Chosen Meridian," by all Churches that recognized the Nicene council.

That longitude is 77° West.

Graphic by Simon Cassidy

Observers will note that this is the longitude, to a high degree of precision, of the capitol city of the United States, Washington D.C. There is even a "meridian hill" in Washington that marks out the precise location of 77° West, placed there by the architect of the city, Pierre Charles L'Enfante. It is also the longitude of the first English settlements in North America. This, we do not think, is a coincidence. We are not alone in this suspicion.

Cassidy and Steele are also convinced that the English came to America not for any of the conventionally accepted reasons, but to claim a piece of " God's longitude." As we shall next see, the reasons are more than merely "Christian," and may have everything to do with chaos we have seen in Florida, and may yet see in the skies above ...

To any Christian believer, this tract of land would truly have been viewed as "sacred." As the only place in the world where the true Equinox could have been observed, the holders of this precious parcel could truly claim to possess "the Promised Land." At the time of Gregory, this strip of longitude in the New World was the exclusive province of the Spanish. This meant that " God's longitude" was under Catholic, not Protestant control. Cassidy and Steele have asserted that the reason for not adopting Allah's 33-year "Life of Christ" calendar cycle was because the Vatican feared tipping off the English as to the symbolic significance of this unique strip of land. They then suggest that when the English finally figured it out (after reviewing the Vatican's 1582 Reform Proposal), Elizabeth I (and her successor King James I), promptly launched a secret campaign to wrest control of this crucial longitude in the New World from those who previously claimed it. In this way, somewhat inexplicable geographical and historical decisions, as to the curious placement of these early English settlements, finally begin to make sense. As Steele puts it:

If you look down that meridian you will find that in the 1580s the settled areas (in the Caribbean, Peru, etc.) were under Spanish, hence Catholic, control. To grab part of God's Longitude and found a New Albion, enabling them to introduce a rival calendar — that Perfect Christian Calendar — and convert the other Christian states to the Protestant side, England mounted various expeditions which historians have since misinterpreted. In 1584-90 the so-called Lost Colony was sent to Roanoke Island, a bizarre place to attempt to start colonization but an excellent site from which to make astronomical observations to fix the longitude and thus decide how far inland New Albion should be. Similarly in 1607 the choice of Jamestown Island seems bizarre from the settlement perspective — why not out on Chesapeake Bay, and away from the attacks of the local Algonquians led by Pocahontas' father Powhatan? — but makes sense from the paramount need to grab a piece of God's Longitude. From the foothold the English managed to gain, Old Virginny grew and later other colonizers came to New England, and New Amsterdam was bought from the Dutch. But later utility/developments do not reflect the original purpose of the English coming to Roanoke Island and Jamestown Island any more than the Eiffel Tower was built to provide a mount for the many radio antennas which now festoon its apex.

Their theory is quite plausible, as far as it goes. But it ignores the obvious: if the Catholic Church knew the significance of the 77° longitude, they would certainly realize that the English knew it too, once they observed the settlement patterns of the first English expeditions. Why not then just go ahead and implement their better 33-year calendar? And why did the English never themselves implement "the perfect Christian Calendar?" What was to be gained in "Christian" (or, more practically, Protestant) terms of keeping up Gregory's ruse?

Nothing. Which is the problem. 

So, do we have an alternative explanation ... a compelling reason that the 33-year calendar cycle has continued to be publicly suppressed (and by both sides) for the intervening 400 years?

What do you think?

To understand the motives of both sides, it is educational to examine the key figure in the English decision to seek the holy longitude in the new world, Dr. JohnDee.

Dee was a scientist, mathematician, and one of the most brilliant men of his age. Among his many accomplishments, Dee could list a series of writings on mathematics which rivaled those of contemporaries like Copernicus. His "Mathematical Preface" to Euclide's Geometry was written in English, rather than the traditional academic language of Latin so that it might be understood by the common people. Considered by historians to be equal in stature with Francis Bacon's 17th Century Advancement In Learning, Dee's "Mathematical Preface" was the first treatise in history that was specifically directed to all individuals who qualified as "Unfained Lovers of Truth," in order to open and expand the world of science for all people.

He was also in many ways the father of the British empire, as he was the one who established the legal claims of colonial territories world wide for Queen Elizabeth. He also applied Euclidian geometry to naval navigation, writing several books on the subject and drawing up charts for navigational use as well as designing instruments for the ships at sea to apply the principals he had developed. He eventually amassed a vast library of over 4,000 books on subjects ranging from ancient religions to the modern sciences. 

Of course, like Caesar before him, he was also a mystic, a deist (a man of god who subscribed to no particular religion) and the Royal Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I. Dee had ingratiated himself to Elizabeth during the reign of her Catholic sister, Queen Mary, by providing her with horoscopes for both Elizabeth and her sister. Mary had him imprisoned for sorcery, but upon her death Elizabeth brought him in as an advisor to her privy council. Dee used his talents as an astrologer to select the date of the Queen's coronation, and he was also a close friend of Francis Walsingham, head of Elizabeth's secret police. Walsingham used Dee frequently on overseas missions, where he acted as an agent for England. In this capacity, he always signed his correspondence with the Queen with the mark "007," and was used loosely as the model for Ian Fleming's super spy James Bond. Dee was also well acquainted with William Shakespeare, who apparently based his characters "King Lear" and "Prospero" (of "The Tempest") on Dee's highly complex life.

That last portrayal, of a man influenced and ultimately controlled by his fascination with magic, is perhaps most crucial; for while Dee was a God-fearing man and one the most accomplished scientists of his day, it was his forays into "magical pursuits" which ultimately defined him. In fact, one of Dee's biographers described him as "Elizabethan England's great magus."

That particular depiction is important, because of the crucial role of the "Magi" (from which the term "Magus" comes) in the historical events we have already described: namely, the birth and death ... and birth again of Christ, around which our Western Calendar for the last 2000 years (supposedly) revolved. According to Adrian Gilbert, author of " Signs in the Sky," the Magi were a secret priesthood educated in the Egyptian "Orion mysteries," who managed to find their way to the birthplace of Christ. They are the "Three Kings of Orient" (Orion) spoken of in the Gospel of Matthew, and Gilbert argues that they specifically saw Jesus as a "Horus King" type-figure. That Dee may have been linked with such a group is not particularly far fetched, as he had some noble blood in his family line and the Magi were a bloodline priesthood. If indeed the Magi were "King's from Orion," and Dee considered himself one of them, then his loyalties would necessarily be to that much older order, rather then the more modern Christian churches. This conclusion becomes even more obvious when we look at the actual magic rituals in which Dee thoroughly engaged.

Rispondi  Messaggio 16 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:39

Dee was a practitioner of "Hermetic gnosticism," a school of thought based on the ancient pre-Christian teachings of the Greek god Hermes. Hermes was in fact a mere copy of the much earlier Egyptian god of knowledge and language, Thoth. In this sense, all "Hermetic gnosticism" can be viewed as a worship of the teachings of Thoth. According to the Egyptian mythos, Thoth was one of the gods who came down to Earth, along with Isis and Osiris, to bring the fruits of knowledge, civilization and the sciences to the Egyptian people. This triumvirate of gods is the key to what became the vast Egyptian civilization, and Thoth is in fact thought to be the god who commissioned the great pyramids at Giza.

Dee was a learned man, and in his spiritual journeys he had discovered quite a bit about the ancient mystery schools of Egypt. In 1581, using his knowledge of these ancient practices, he began a series of attempts to communicate with "higher beings." His channel in this capacity was one Sir Edward Kelly, something of a self-educated rogue but a man well known to the English courts.

Sir Edward Kelly

The focus of their efforts was to obtain the knowledge of the Book of Enoch, a supposed "lost book of the Bible" that contained the truth about man's existence, the afterlife and his future on Earth. Enoch was a fairly obscure figure in the now-traditional Bible, being seventh (tetrahedral spin symmetries anyone?) in line from Adam. Enoch, however, was unique in one respect: he was considered immortal, because God had taken him to Heaven without benefit of death after 365 years on Earth (an obviously important symbolic "connection" of Enoch with the calendar year ...). As Knight and Lomas  have shown, Enoch is also the central figure around which a great deal of Masonic legend is centered, as he is said to have constructed the two pillars of Masonic lore to preserve the antediluvian high knowledge of Atlantis inside them.

Dee and Kelly were evidently successful in their attempts, as they eventually contacted an "angel" named Uriel. Uriel first provided them with complex alphabet of angelic language, and then proceeded to dictate the entire Book of Enoch to Kelly in this language. Dee, in turn, dutifully recorded all that was passed to the both of them by Uriel, and the various spells and incantations used and dictated in this process became a school of magic known as "Enochian magic." Strangely, portions of the apocryphal "Book of Enoch" were brought to Europe from Ethiopia in the 1700's, and were also found among the Dead Sea scrolls in 1947. Dee's version appears to be pretty much the same as those far later discoveries, and advocates of the Hermetic tradition have pointed to this as proof of Dee's success in contacting a higher spiritual being. However, given Dee's vast library of rare books and (as we have and will show) his affinity for the knowledge of ancient Egypt, it is also plausible that he got his information from one of those secret textural sources.

All of this would seem on the surface to be wholly irrelevant to the questions at hand, much less to the issues of "Faces on Mars" or on-going "ritual NASA cover-ups." However, this is not the case. Dee had an immense effect on later occultists, most notably Aliester Crowley. You may be surprised to find that both Crowley and Dee in turn had very influential effect on the founders of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. That story, as extraordinary as it is and as important as it will ultimately become to understanding some currently inexplicable "ritual space events," is best discussed at another time. Suffice it to say that, unknown to almost all but a handful of academics, Dee's mystic pursuits reached far beyond Elizabethan England ... to cast a major shadow well into our Time.

The relevance to the entire issue of deliberate "calendar manipulation" is best understood when we look at Dee's involvement in the English response to the Gregorian Reform. After receiving a copy of the Papal Bull in diplomatic correspondence, Walsingham assigned Dee the task of evaluating England's course of action in the matter. Dee threw himself into the work, even setting aside his channeling with Kelly to fully devote himself to the task at hand. Dee worked under the utmost secrecy, an action which is interpreted by Cassidy as a need to keep the Spanish (and hence the Catholics) from learning that England was investigating the calendrical longitude.

Dee eventually finished his work "A playne Discourse and humble Advisefor our Gratious Queen Elizabeth, her most Excellent Majestie to peruse and consider, as concerning the needful Reformation of the Vulgar Kalendar for the civile years and daies accompting, or verifyeng, according to the time truely spent" on February 26th, 1582, and delivered it to Lord Treasurer Burghley to present to the Queen. In it, Dee called for an 11-day correction, as opposed to the Gregorian 10-day correction for 1582. But a note attached to the work allowed for a 10-day correction in 1583. In a complicated exercise explained by Cassidy, he asserts that Dee was actually trying to implement the 33-year"Anni-Domini" (Allah's) calendar by only seeming to "accept" the Papal Decree. But Dee's 10-day correction would only work if 1584 was declared subsequently not to be a leap year. This, however, was not done, and England stayed on its own calendar until 1752, when they finally acceded to the Gregorian Reform that most of the rest of the world had long been using --,but with an 11-day correction (instead of the "Gregorian" 10).In doing so, they actually set (by their own clock) the date of the Vernal Equinox on March 21st ... but only on "God's Longitude."

The issue of whether Dee was, by his "footnote," actually agreeing with the Gregorian correction is a controversial one among most scholars. The traditional view is that his note was meant to give the Queen an "out," in order to facilitate continued diplomatic communication and commerce with the Catholic world. Not only is this highly unlikely, given his (and the Queen's) documented distaste for Papal authority, but Cassidy points to a verse in Dee's own paper which clearly indicates that he was actually a clandestine advocate of the (remember, highly secret to both sides) 33-yearAnni-Domini Calendar.

ELIZABETH our Empress bright,
Who in the yere of eighty three,
Thus made the truth to come to light,
And civile yere with heaven agree.

But eighty foure, the Pattern is
Of Christ's birth yere: and so for ay
Eche Bissext shall fall little mys,
To shew the sun of Christ birth day.

Three hundred yeres, shall not remove
The sun, one day, from this new match:
Nature, no more shall us reprove
Her golden tyme, so yll to watch.


Cassidy notes the following:

The third verse is usually held to predict that the accuracy of the new calendar will match the sun's behaviour (every Christmas day?) to an accuracy of one day in three hundred years. This is not much of a claim to accuracy since it implies a possible error of up to 0.0033 days between the real solar year (based on Christmas or New Year?) and the proposed Elizabethan reform's average year ... If Dee really meant to follow the Gregorian year-length and leap-year rule, then he would have known that the accuracy (for any point in the tropical zodiac) was much better than this apparent 0.0033 days/year claim ...

What is happening here is that Dee is embedding a code -- a deliberate and obvious error in his calculations -- which just happens to come out to a "decimal harmonic" of "33!" He was trying to signal to anyone "in the game" the significance of the cycle of "33."

The final verse is further viewed by Cassidy as claiming that for the next 300 years (from 1582) the Vernal Equinox will always fall on the same calendar day at some unspecified longitude. This in a nutshell is exactly the power and perfection of  the 33 year Anni-Domini calendar cycle! And, it turns out to be --  in Cassidy's words -- "uncannily accurate." For if Dee's proposal had been implemented  as he proposed, then the Vernal Equinox would have fallen on the March 21st, the  exact Nicene date, at the 77° West longitude from 1580 to 1880.

What this all means is that, while Dee's paper created an impression that he could live with the Gregorian ten-day reform, he actually (and privately) fully understood the incredible significance of the "Holy Longitude" and the secret 33-yearAnni-Domini Calendar cycle. Further, he let it be known that England could wait upwards of 300 years to actually implement the proper reform, and still be within the bounds of the AD calendar. That this was clearly understood by Queen Elizabeth was confirmed when she assured him, in an April, 1583 letter, "Quod defertur non aufertur" (What is deferred, SHALL NOT BE ABORTED!).

Rispondi  Messaggio 17 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:40

Ultimately, the proof of this is not to be found in endless scholarly debates about the meaning of poetic verses, but rather in what specific actions Dee, Sir Walter Ralegh and Queen Elizabeth herself actually undertook ... to implement The Plan. 

One needs only look at the subsequent actions of Dee and his associates to quickly determine that Dee had full knowledge of the "AD" calendar and its implicit scared longitude. Dee was heavily involved in a secret society known as the "School of Night," about which virtually nothing is known. Its members certainly did include Dee, Ralegh, Sir Frances Bacon, and a rather mysterious figure, Lord Fernando Strange, Earl of Derby. They met usually at Strange's estate and were viewed with suspicion by the religious leaders of the day because of their access to Queen Elizabeth.

It doesn't take too much to figure out what went on at these meetings, or what the subject of the discussions must have turned to often ... Bacon even wrote a "novel," published only posthumously in 1626, titled provocatively "The New Atlantis." It reads like a virtual roadmap of what these collective mystics had discerned from their studies of the ancient mystery schools of Egypt. The thrust of the story is of a shipwrecked crew landing on "a mysterious shore" in the New World, where they are greeted and ministered to by "a kind, wise old man" and his servants. He is simply the ambassador to what is revealed to be a substantial (and substantially secret) society in the New World. During the course of their stay, many secrets are revealed to them. There are barely veiled references to the "Society of Saloman's House" (an obvious allusion to the Masons -- who in their own lore are the ancient designers of Solomon's Temple), and a flat Egyptian-type (Horus) statement that this society is "the very eye of this kingdom." The book also contains references to "the coming Apocalypse," and states matter-of-factly that America is the land of Atlantis. It goes on to tell the tale of a vast and technologically advanced civilization overtaken by a catastrophic ancient inundation ...

That this is simply a thinly-veiled master plan for what was to become the "United States of America" could not be more clear. Bacon saw an egalitarian utopia springing forth in the New World, based on Hermetic "natural laws" and overseen by a quiet, benevolent secret society. That Dee, Bacon, Ralegh and their contemporaries sought to achieve this utopian state in the North American British colonies themselves is confirmed by their later actions, in which they actually sowed the seeds of the very secret society that they hoped would guide the people of the "New Atlantis." But in order to accomplish this, they must first obtain a foothold there.

When Dee decoded the Anni-Domini calendar, it must have confirmed to the School of Night that which they already suspected: that America was the special place that the antiquarian legends spoke of. What is certain is that immediately after Dee's calendar work was published, he and Ralegh began to do what was necessary for England (and by extension, their secret society) to establish a beachhead in America. By April 1585, after nearly three years of preparation, the first serious English expedition to colonize America was launched under the guidance of John White and Thomas Harriot. Harriot, a student of Dee's and close friend of Ralegh, was already well aware of the significance of the 77° longitude and the 33-year calendar cycle. Cassidy has discovered in Harriot's notes a number of references to the AD calendar system.

Simon Cassidy

Simon Cassidy

Lest you have any doubts that the location of the new 33-year cycle "prime meridian" was of the utmost concern to these first English settlers, you need only look at where they landed to allay your doubts. From their landing spot at Roanoke Island, Virginia, Harriot and White were in a perfect position to survey the land and the stars (remember, they didn't know it was exactly 77° W when they got there, only that they were close) and according to Cassidy, the proper longitude was marked out on the map that White brought back.

But things did not go smoothly. The first colony failed, as did a second in 1587. By 1588, England had other worries as the Spanish Armada set sail to invade her. Dee is famously credited with casting a "hex" on the Armada and conjuring the bad weather which contributed more to the Armada's defeat than anything the English navy did. Such was the extent of his reputation at the time.

As England lost interest temporarily in the New Atlantis, Dee and the School of Night set about creating a new movement which they intended to be the guiding star of their new World. The Rosicrucians, or "Order of the Rose Cross," are a quasi-Masonic group and  had their roots in these early discussions (at least one of which was in Luneburg, Germany in 1586 when Dee was abroad). The order openly grounds itself in the ancient Egyptian mysteries of Isis and Osiris (Sirius and Orion) and it exerted a great influence throughout Europe's ruling elite from the early 1600's on.

But all their plans in the end were foiled. Elizabeth died in 1603 and was replaced on the throne by King James I, of Scotland. James was the first overtly Scottish Rite Masonic Royal, and he quickly imprisoned Dee, Ralegh and Bacon. The Masons obviously saw Dee and the School of Night as rivals in the quest to dominate the New Atlantis, and they were out of favor. Yet James and the Masons themselves must have equally understood the unique significance of the 33-year calendar cycle, because they promptly launched the Jamestown colony, located dead on the 77° W. longitude.

Curiously, Dee and Kelly had both left the British Isles shortly after his presentation of his calendar treatise to Elizabeth to travel in eastern Europe. There they circulated among the royal houses and curried favor with various emperors and kings. Kelly was quite successful in these ventures, Dee less so. Dee had left England in late 1583, to travel through Poland and Bohemia (territory which would ultimately become Germany) at the invitation of Polish Count Lasky. Lasky had rather mysteriously just "shown up" in England inquiring about Dee and Kelly's channeling and other occult activities. Kelly laid claim to success with alchemy (he was actually Knighted by the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph, ostensibly for his "alchemical" contributions to the Court). 

What they seemed to be doing was spreading the knowledge of something among these high houses. We have found that they were very successful in doing so.

Rispondi  Messaggio 18 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:41

Shortly after Dee had returned to England in 1589, a young law student named Johann Bayer (1572-1625) made a contribution to astronomy that almost certainly sprang from this "secret knowledge" that Dee had apparently been spreading "on the Continent." Bayer was a Bavarian "amateur" astronomer, who first named stars by assigning them to constellations and giving then Greek letters (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, etc.), in order of decreasing brightness. His seminal work, the "Uranometria" (published in 1603), not only set this new standard for stellar designation but also created several entirely new constellations ... one of which will ultimately have a major role in unraveling the mystery we have before us.

What Bayer did was to literally "carve out" a new constellation from the stars of Canis Major. Canis Major of course contains the key celestial player in the Millennium madness we are documenting -- Sirius. Bayer's new constellation is also located precisely on the meridian with Orion, a relationship which we took to be a "marker" of some kind for future events. He named this new constellation "Columba," apparently after "the dove that is sent out from Noah's Ark to search for dry land after the deluge." What we next needed to do was figure out the history and mythology of this new constellation, and any connection to the New Atlantis Dee and Bacon had been seeking.

According to Allen ("Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning"):

"[Columba] was made up from the southwestern outliers of Canis Major, near to the Ship [Argo] -- Noah's Ark -- and so it was regarded as the attendant Dove."

And from Genesis:

At the end of forty days, after the flood, Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made and sent out the raven to see if it could find dry land; and it went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the earth. Then he sent out the dove from him, to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the ground; but the dove found no place to set its foot, and it returned to him to the ark, for the waters were still on the face of the whole earth. So he put out his hand and took it and brought it into the ark with him. He waited another seven days and again he sent out the dove from the ark; and the dove came back to him in the evening, and there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf; so Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth. Then he waited another seven days, and sent out the dove; and it did not return to him any more. (Genesis 8:6-12)

So, why did the authors of Genesis depict a dove in this key role? Because (see Peter Tompkins, and/or Temple) of the geodetic role of doves in "primitive" geographical surveying. So, "doves" equal a priestly code for "earth measurement." And "doves" in the Noah story indicate a need to determine exact lat/long ...again, after a major, watery catastrophe ...

Robert Temple, author of the aforementioned "Sirius Mystery", has exhaustively explained the deeper connection between the Argo (the Ark) and Sirius ... Most interesting is his discussion of the deep (hidden?) relationship between the true nature of the companion to Sirius, Sirius B -- the amazing white dwarf -- and a little known visible star in the same constellation of Canis Major, called by the Arabs, "Al Wazn" -- "Weight" -- so-called (according to a leading Arabic astronomy expert) because "...the star seems to rise with difficulty from the horizon." The Arabic expert, Ideler, called this "an astonishing star name."

Temple goes on to equate this nomenclature, applied to a visible member of Canis Major, with the ancient, degenerate, "hidden knowledge" regarding the actual existence of Sirius B -- the super-dense (but invisible to the naked eye) white dwarf that orbits in the Sirius system. What Temple did not know (or did not report, because he considered it irrelevant for his discussion) was that when Bayer "stole" some of Canis Major's stars to compose the new constellation, "Columba," in 1603 -- one key star of the new constellation was this same "Al Wazn" ... "Weight!" The same star that Temple, just under 400 years later, identifies with a "secret," degenerated knowledge of the Sirian system itself ...

So, there is an undeniable connection (through this star) between the "Sirian Complex" of the Dogon myth and mythos of Canis Major ... and the "new" constellation of Columba, "the Dove."

The other strong connection to Temple's Sirius Mythos comes with Columba's association with "Argo" -- the Southern Constellation representing (loosely) "Noah's Ark" -- and its classic use as an escape from a great planetary flood/disaster. 

Temple refers to the other variants of this same Hebrew story then circulating in the Middle East, including "The Egyptian story [according to Allen, that] said that it was the ark that bore Isis and Osiris over the Deluge ..." (!!) Now -- if you refer to the major MIT science historian, the late Livo Stechini (in a significant appendix to Tompkins: "Secrets of the Great Pyramid"), you find that Stechini makes an excellent case that the "doves" of the Noah story are actually a classic Egyptian reference to "a standard Egyptian glyph for the stretching of meridians and parallels." (!)

So ... it's clear that the "secret" creation of a visible new constellation called "the Dove" (Columba) in 1603, out of some Canis Major stars, linked with Argo and the entire Sirian Complex, was not accidental. It was, instead, secretly emblematic at that precise time of the transposition of the terrestrial Egyptian "meridians and parallels" into the sky ..!!!

Now, why do you suppose -- just after the BIG Calendar Change at the end of the 16th Century -- someone would have wanted a visible (Egyptian) marker in the sky to denote "celestial meridians and parallels?" Why indeed ... except, in part, to visibly mark in the sky (to those "in the know") the orientation of the critical "plane of the Earth's axis" at the end of the Twentieth Century ... when Sirius would cross the Meridian at Midnight ... in "2000?!"

Now ... things get even more interesting.

As Knight and Lomas have shown in "Uriel's Machine" there was a Sixth Century monk who took the Church from Ireland to Scotland. He also was heavily involved with the importation of a "sacred stone" imported from the holy land (read: ancient Egypt) used in all subsequent Scottish (and later English) Coronations. Oh, his name ..?


Why was he named "Columba?" And why did the Founding Fathers (mostly Masons -- from "Columba's" new home, from Scotland!!) centuries later call the New Republic they created in the New World "Columbia?" The classical story is, of course, that it all had to do with "Christopher Columbus" -- the "discoverer" of America and the New World; actually, as we have seen, Columbus was only rediscovering the "lost Atlantis" that most learned men of the day already knew was out there. In part, this prior knowledge was reinforced by at least one of the major "best selling manuscripts" of Columbus' time (even Queen Isabella was said to own a copy!): the remarkable story of another Irish monk -- "St. Brendan, the Navigator," a contemporary of "Columba" -- who also (curiously ...) made a pilgrimage to Scotland.

According to Brendan's own telling of the tale, a thousand years before 1492 (!), Brendan and fourteen other monks purportedly sailed west in a fragile skin-clad boat, to seek this fabled "Promised Land." Most of the voyagers, including Brendan himself (his manuscript continues), successfully returned to Ireland after seven years -- with amazing tales of everything, from "whales" to "icebergs," seen along the way.

So, was this a real, 6th Century "Irish Expedition" to the New World, or ... merely a clever means of passing down through the centuries "secret" Gaelic knowledge of this crucial "Promised World?" Even more intriguing: was St. Brendan's name somehow accidentally substituted in this "code" for the far more appropriate (etymologically and geodetically speaking) "Columba," in the centuries-long recopying and retelling of the tale ..? Is this one of the reasons why the Masonic (Scottish) founders of the Republic ultimately called America "Columbia" ..?

We'll probably never know.

What we do know is that, potentially confirming this speculation, is a little known story that Columbus actually with him took one Irish crewman. A true detail -- regarding his desire to have a serious student of "St. Brendan's voyage" on his own extraordinary journey -- or, just another "layer" of the deep symbolic "messages" we have discovered surrounding all of these contemporary speculations regarding the location and meaning of "the New World" ... St. Brendan's "Promised Land?"

In light of these abundant symbols, however, we also think it highly likely at this point that Columbus himself was something of a carefully-crafted "fabrication" -- his own, now legendary name being increasingly doubtful as to its true origin. The literary choice of a "Columbus" (Columba?) as leader of this later 15th Century expedition to the New World would have been supremely appropriate -- as another secret "code" -- carefully meant to memorialize to "the chosen few" this ancient geodetic knowledge of the New World ... and its crucial coming role in "the next Flood."

America: the ultimate "Columba" marker to the celestial ticking clock that only can be understood from this unique New World ... when time runs out -- again.

The sudden astronomical appearance of the "dove" of Columba in sky charts, circa 1603 (remember Dee's preoccupation with navigation; sailing to and establishing colonies in the New World; the "secret" 33-year Calendar; finding (measuring!) "God's Longitude," etc, in this time frame?) indicates the need to determine the exact lat/long of "God's Longitude" in the New World, to accurately PREDICT the NEXT catastrophe ... ergo, the "hidden multi-leveled symbology" of "the Dove." And that is exactly how Columba can be used today ... as the "clock" just south of Orion, to indicate (together with Sirius) exactly how much time we have left ... and measured from WHERE (the United States)... until "Noah" happens again ...

What this all implies is that the members of these various and sundry secret orders had come to believe that there would be another Flood. So much so, that they set up "coded markers" -- both through a series of "staged events" occurring on the ground, as well as clandestine signposts in the sky -- to prepare their descendants with appropriate warnings ... and the Time. They then set about warring over the sacred land (America) that they all believed would play a key role in this coming eschatology. However, it now seems that at least one of these groups, contrary to the prevailing "wisdom," considered the possibility that the whole disaster might well be totally averted!

And even more, this "rogue society" must have understood the danger to their plans if the truth ever came out about the significance of the 33-year cycle calendar. Because, of course, the 33-year calendar is based not on "the life of Christ" at all; it is based, instead, on a major secret held close by the Masonic order itself, and on the curious geometry of some very old things in another old "Atlantis" ... literally on another world ... at a place called Cydonia.

Click here for part 3  

Rispondi  Messaggio 19 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:56

Who's The Enemy:
-- The "End of Days" Begun?




As we first reported to you last year in our (admittedly unfinished) “End of Days” series, we believe that the world has crossed a Rubicon into a new and extremely dangerous phase. The portent of this new period was defined by the passing of Sirius across the Giza meridian at precisely 12:00 midnight on January 1, 2000, an event which we have shown could NOT have been “coincidental.” At that time, we asserted that this singular event, dictated by a series of deft manipulations of the western Gregorian calendar, had been planned and worked towards for perhaps more than two millennia. The authors of this extraordinary and meticulously planned celestial event were a series of groups which have come to be loosely known as “secret societies” -- semi-hidden bands of hand picked and self-appointed “leaders” who frequently attempt to manipulate secular political events.



Yet still, when we first witnessed the horrific acts of terror and cowardice that brought down New York's twin World Trade Center

towers, it simply did not occur to us that we might be witnessing such a “manipulated” event. Random acts happen. Violent, murderous thugs commit unspeakable acts of murder against innocent people everyday. The world is full of religious and political zealots who seek to either convert or kill those that refuse to bend to their will. This, in our initial reaction to the horror, most likely was the case with this worst single attack on American soil in our history.


Then the numbers began to come in.


It became obvious fairly early that there were some strange coincidences surrounding these events. As was quickly reported throughout the Internet, there were a whole bunch of odd "9-1-1" and "11" coincidences that linked to these horrific attacks.


For instance:

  • The attacks took place on 9/11

  • 9+1+1 = 11

  • Each WTC Tower had 110 floors, which is a multiple of 11

  • The aircraft which ultimately hit the Pentagon was American Airlines Flight 77. 77 is another multiple of 11
  • American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane flown into World Trade Tower2, had 11 crewmembers. A total of 65 people were on Flight 11. 6+5 = 11
  • The second plane, United Airlines Flight 175, hit the World Trade Tower 1 at 9:02 AM. 9+2 = 11

  • 9/11 is the 254th day of the year. 2+5+4 = 11

  • After 9/11, there are 111 days left in the year

  • New York City (where the major attack occurred) consists of 11 letters

  • New York was the 11th state admitted into the Union

  • President Bush ordered flags to fly at half mast until 9/22, making an 11 day period of mourning

And so on. At this point, our interest had been piqued, but little else. We had no way of knowing, or certainly proving, whether all these resonances were simply true coincidence or part of some other larger pattern. But given our previous research into such recurring symbolism, we felt impelled to at least look.


The first place we started was with the date itself.


As many news agencies immediately pointed out, the week of 9/11 is the week of the Camp David Accords  -- which made peace between Israel and Egypt in 1978 (with an official signing on March 26, 1979). But that seemed a bit too simplistic, so we kept digging. As it turns out, 9/11 is also an ancient date of special Middle Eastern significance. September the 11th is New Years Day in the ancient Egyptian Coptic Christian calendar. That the day must still hold special significance to the people of Egypt is reflected by the fact that Egypt ratified its current constitution on that same day in 1971.


But what immediately bothered us was this question: why would a terrorist pick this day -- a day of unique significance to Christians in Egypt -- against targets in a primarily ‘Judeo-Christian” country like the United States? And why these particular targets?


As we demonstrated in “End of Days,” the US was founded essentially as a great “Masonic experiment.” Most of the driving forces and compelling personalities behind the American Revolution originated in the Masonic lodges of the time. The evidence of a pervasive Masonic influence is present throughout our culture, then … and now:  in our symbols (looked at a dollar bill lately?); architecture (how about the Washington Monument?); and traditions (what is the real reason July 4th is celebrated as Independence Day?).




What is not commonly known is that the roots of modern Freemasonry extend far beyond the mid-eighteenth Century, all the way back to ancient Egypt, and more importantly; through a Middle Ages movement commonly known as the "Knight's Templar."


It is, we now suspect, the remnants of this Templar/Masonic/American axis that were the true target of these attacks -- in other words, September 11th was a direct thrust at the heart of the American Revolutionary Experiment … in the critical year (see below) of 2001.

As we did in “End of Days,” before we lay out the remarkable evidence we have now found that makes this conclusion inescapable, we must take you through something of a history lesson. Let us quote again from that previous research:


In 1095 AD (note the decimal recursion of the critical “19.5” symbolism!), Pope Urban II declared a “holy war” against the Muslim invaders of the Holy Land, and launched an effort to retake the “sacred” city of Jerusalem; the infamous “Crusades” had thus begun .…

By 1099, this was accomplished. Then, in 1113, a new order was formed within the Catholic Church that came to be known as the “Knights Hospitalers.” One of the original members of this Order, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, also created a monastery in Seborga in northern Italy in 1113. Documents found in this ancient monastery state that it was built to protect a “great secret.”


Later, nine Knights (this number will become important later) split off from the original Knights Hospitalers and, all dependent on one another through a complex series of family relationships, presented themselves to King Baudoin I of Jerusalem in 1118 -- requesting the duty of keeping Christian pilgrims safe on the roads and highways leading to the holy city from the port of Jaffa. Obviously, such a task was far beyond the capabilities of a mere nine men, and the entire “protection gambit” was a ruse concealing another agenda for public consumption. Upon arrival in Jerusalem, the Knights (under the patronage of this Vatican appointed Monarch of Jerusalem) proceeded directly to the Temple Mount, the ancient site of the Temple of Solomon, and immediately began excavating the (even then) ancient ruin. It is for this work that they received their name, the “Knights of the Temple” (Knights Templar).

According to Knight and Lomas in “The Hiram Key,” the Temple of Solomon was a structure designed under the precepts of "sacred" geometry by the earliest progenitors of Freemasonry, and was laid out in such a way as to invoke the essence of the Egyptian myths of Isis and Osiris. According to the Royal (British) engineers who later examined the excavations of the Templars (in 1867), the Knights in 1118 found a secret room beneath the Temple Mount, apparently knowing exactly what they were looking for and where to find it. Just “what” they found is the subject of legend, but it has gained scholarly support recently. According to the European Templar Heritage Research Network:

“On the exterior of Chartres Cathedral, by the north door, there is a carving on a pillar, which gives us an indication of the object sought by the burrowing Templars, representing the Ark of the Covenant, but in a rather strange context. The Ark is depicted as being transported on a wheeled vehicle. Legend recounts that the Ark of the Covenant had been secreted deep beneath the Temple in Jerusalem centuries before the fall of the city to the Romans. It had been hidden there to protect it from yet another invading army who had laid the city to waste. Hugh de Payen, one of the original nine Templar Knights, had been chosen to lead the expedition mounted to locate the Ark and bring it back to Europe. Persistent legends recount that the Ark was then hidden for a considerable time deep beneath the crypt of Chartres Cathedral. The same legends also claim that the Templars found many other sacred artifacts from the old Jewish temple in the course of their investigations and that a considerable quantity of documentation was also located during the dig. While there has been much speculation as to the exact nature of these documents, a reasonable consensus is emerging that they contained scriptural scrolls, treatises on sacred geometry, and details of certain knowledge, art and science -- the hidden wisdom of the ancient initiates of the Judaic/Egyptian tradition. Until very recently these legends received short shrift from academic historians, but that situation is undergoing considerable change. One modern archeological discovery tends to support the speculative scenario that the Templars knew where to look and precisely what they were seeking.. The Copper Scroll, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered at Quamran, tends to confirm not only the objective of the Templar excavations but also, albeit indirectly, gives some credence to the bizarre concept of the transmission of knowledge through the generations that led to the original Templar discoveries underneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Rispondi  Messaggio 20 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:56

“The Copper Scroll, which was unrolled and deciphered at Manchester University under the guidance of John Allegro, was a list of all the burial sites used to hide the various items both sacred and profane described as the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem. Many of these sites have been re-excavated since the discovery of the Copper Scroll, and several of them have disclosed not Temple treasure but evidence of Templar excavation made in the twelfth century.”

After their excavations were completed at the Temple Mount, the Knights returned to their native lands. Two of them ventured to Rosslyn, Scotland, where they set up their headquarters. Shortly afterwards, the Knights were given the official seal of the Roman Catholic Church, and their numbers swelled as wealthy landowners and aristocrats joined their ranks. The Templars went on a binge of Temple construction and brought back many sciences, such as astronomy, from the holy land. Their order grew in stature, wealth and power quickly, and they won battle after battle against the Muslims during the various crusades. Their secret power was supposedly that they held possession of a piece of the true cross of the crucifixion of Christ (probably found in the Temple Mount excavations). This gave them powers over their enemies in battle and they were said to have never lost a battle while in possession of the Cross.



They eventually lost the Cross in the battle of Hattin in 1187 to the Muslim Saladin. After marching on July 2nd, the Templars were surrounded and cut off from water supplies. On July 4th, they broke ranks in thirst and panic, abandoned the encampment and the Cross, and were wiped out by Muslim forces. (These two dates later would become crucial -- not only in the Templar-inspired formation of the United States of America (as we shall see), but in the continuing "hidden ritual history" of NASA as well.)

Ultimately, despite the loss of the Cross, the Templars apparently became a threat to the Church itself. The Pope and the nearly broke King of France, Philip le Bel (1268-1314), plotted to undermine the Order and seize their considerable treasures in France. On Friday, October 13th, 1307, the King's men moved against the Knights and arrested many of them. (This is also why “Friday the 13th” is now considered ‘unlucky”).

Although the Papal conspiracy with King Philip succeeded in obtaining various "confessions" under torture and a considerable sum of Templar wealth, the conspirators never found the ultimate “Templar treasure” itself -- which by now had been secreted away to Scotland. Even so, most of the Order was wiped out in the “10/13” raid (the leader, Jaques de Molay, was burned at the stake), and its members scattered across Europe ... and beyond. On March 22, 1312, the Church officially dissolved the Order by Papal Bull (this date also subsequently became significant, in not only the Nazi movement in Germany but also was another recurring NASA “ritual date”). Surviving German members formed the Teutonic Knights, and the Scottish members went underground ... only to eventually re-emerge as “the Freemasons.”

Whatever ancient relics and treasures the Templars held from their Jerusalem (and other Holy Land) excavations, they were from this moment on secreted away beneath Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, in much the same way these same artifacts were once buried under the Temple Mount itself. The “Chapel” itself bears no resemblance to a Christian structure, as many experts who have surveyed it have verified; remarkably, it is laid out along the same architectural lines as the Biblical dimensions given for the original “Solomon's Temple.”

What this brief history documents is that the Founders of our Nation – Washington … Franklin … Hancock, to name but just a few -- were intimately connected with, and philosophically descended from, these original Knights who fought against the Islamic forces in “the Crusades” over half a century before, across the Middle East. They were in fact so enamored with Templar rites and traditions that they made sure that our own Declaration of Independence was ratified (July 2nd, 1776) and signed (July 4th, 1776) on dates of overwhelming significance to this older Templar Order.



In other words, for some, America could easily be viewed (especially by any fanatic followers of Islam) as the literal embodiment of their oldest enemy of Allah … a literal, infidel “Knights Templar State.”

In light of this little-known history, there were other unusual “numeric coincidences” surrounding the New York and Washington attacks which now seem highly relevant.

How about the Templar Order’s date of official recognition by the Vatican: 1118 AD.

Which, when added (1+1+1+8) equals another 11!


Now, do you remember (as we asked earlier) that there were 9 Templar original Knights involved in the founding of the Order?  Which, when added to the previous Templar founding date, equals--



Which brings us to this crucial year of the “911 Attack” -– 2001.

There are exactly 883 years between 1118 and 2001.


And these, when added (8+8+3) equal 19 -- which was the exact number of hijackers on the aircraft.


The reason this latter number is important, and was quite obviously also carefully planned by the architects of this terrorist assault, is to be found in several scholars’ recent discovery of a remarkable pattern of “19s” throughout the Koran. In the view of many modern Islamics, the scientific discovery of the “code of the 19s” provides the final proof of Allah’s direct Revelation of the Koran:


Though the code was initially discovered by examining the occurrences of Quranic initials in the initialed chapters of Quran, there is a large number of much less complex parameters to the code. Here is a brief listing of some of them:

1.There are 114 chapters in the Quran, or 19 x 6.

2.The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346, or 19 x 334.

3.Then you add the 30 different numbers which are mentioned in the Quran's text (i.e. one God, two brothers, etc.), the total is 162146 or 19 x 8534.

4.The first statement in Quran, "In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful" consists of 19 Arabic letters. Known as the `Basmalah', it prefaces every chapter except Chapter 9.

5.Though missing from Chapter 9, exactly 19 chapters later the Basmalah occurs twice. Chapter 27 has this statement at its beginning and in verse 30. This makes the total number of times the Basmalah occurs in the Quran 114, or 19 x 6.

6.Since there are 19 chapters between the missing Basmalah and the extra one, the sum of those chapter numbers is a multiple of 19. (The sum of any 19 consecutive numbers is a multiple of 19.) But the total, 342, is also the exact number of words between the two occurrences of the Basmalah in Chapter 27. This number, 342, is 19 x 18.

7.Every word in the Basmalah occurs throughout the Quran a number of times which is a multiple of 19.

8.The very first revelation that was given to the prophet of Islam, Mohammed, came as 19 words.

9.The total number of letters making up the 19 words of the first revelation is 76, 19 x 4.

10.Though they were the first revelation, these verses are placed at the beginning of Chapter 96. This chapter is atop the last 19 chapters.

11.Chapter 96 consists of 304 Arabic letters, or 19 x 16.

12.The last chapter revealed (Chapter 110) has 19 words, and its first verse is 19 letters.

13.God's name in Arabic, `Allah,' occurs in the Quran 2698 times, or 19 x 142.

14.If you add the numbers of the verses where `Allah' occurs, the total is 118123 or 19 x 6217.

15.The main message in the Quran is that there is only One God. The number of times that the word `one' is used to refer to this concept of One God is 19.

16.The word `Quran' occurs in 38 different chapters, or 19 x 2.

17.The total number of times `the Quran' is mentioned is 57, 19 x 3.

18.Within the 114 chapters of the Quran, 29 of them begin with the Quranic initials discussed earlier. Intermixed between the first initialed chapter (Chapter 2) and the last initialed chapter (Chapter 68) are 38 non-initialed chapters, or 19 x 2.

19.In that same group of chapters, from Chapter 2 to Chapter 68, there are 19 alternating sets of initialed and non-initialed chapters.

20.The total number of verses making up this group of chapters is 5263, 19 x 277.

21.Within this group of chapters there are also 2641 occurrences of the word `Allah', or 19 x 139. Of course, that leaves 57, or 19 x 4, occurrences of that word outside of this group.

22.If you add the chapter and verse numbers of the 57 occurrences of `Allah' outside the initialed section, the total is 2432 or 19 x 128.

23.There are a large number of discoveries having to do with the numbers of the chapters and verses. Many of them are very complex and interrelated. Here is a simple one to give you a feel for these discoveries: If you add the numbers assigned to all the chapters, plus the numbers assigned to all of the verses, plus the number of verses in the Quran, the total is 346199 or 19 x 19 x 959.

24.If you look at the initialed chapters separately and add the chapter numbers, verse numbers and number of verses, the total is 190133, 19 x 10007. Of course it follows that the total for the uninitialed chapters, 156066, is also divisible by 19.

Rispondi  Messaggio 21 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:57

At this point, we were beginning to see a serious pattern -– a highly disturbing pattern, with a unique Templar/Islamic signature -– indicating that this striking series of “coincidences” –- the symbology surrounding the “911 Attack”  -- in fact, may have been as meticulously planned as the attacks themselves.

Since the Freemasons are now considered by most scholars (if not by Masons themselves) the Templars’ direct lineal descendants, it only makes sense that the perpetrators of this crime – in their apparent hatred of America -- would choose a target (or targets) that had some symbolic link -- through the Masons -- to the original Knights Templar Order.


In fact they did.


But before we get to that, it is necessary to study and understand just who “the adversary” truly was that fateful September day.




Osama bin Laden, widely believed to have been the mastermind (with possible help from the Iraqi's) of this vicious surprise attack, is a well-established figure in the radical Islamic terrorist community. The son of a wealthy Saudi oil and construction magnate, bin Laden has forsaken all the privileges his family's wealth and stature have provided him in favor of his escalating anti-US campaign. In news coverage of these events, bin Laden has frequently been described as a modern day Saladin -- yes, the same great Islamic general who defeated the Templars at Hattin -- a modern recreation of that general in his current “Holy War” against the United States. However, Bin Laden is far from a military commander or general. His methods are not those of an honorable warrior, but of a cowardly and murderous assassin.


With all due respect to the producers of “The West Wing,” there’s far more to this story than they had time to tell.


The original “Assassins” were a quasi-religious sect of murderous “defenders of Islam” formed in 1090 by “al-Hasan ibn-al-Sabbah” -– the same period that the Templars and the Catholic Church began their ill-fated attempt to “retake” the Holy Land in the Crusades. According to Islamic scholar Edward Burman, author of The Assassins - Holy Killers of Islam, though founded in Egypt, the Order soon moved to a mountainous region of Persia (modern-day Iran), organizing their campaigns against the invading knights from a well defended castle called “Alamut.”  According to Berman, the cult was a ruthless, closed, secretive –- even occult –- society, one that used murder, guerrilla warfare, and (at times) overt military conquest to achieve its aims. The Assassins were much feared (and, paradoxically, simultaneously admired) by the Templars during the Crusades, for their almost mystical ability to strike at any time and without warning -- and against any target. Their almost inhuman willingness to sacrifice their own lives for the cause they were fighting (sound familiar ..?) made them a fearsome enemy.


According to the famed explorer, Marco Polo, who visited Alamut in 1273, the Assassins used a variety of techniques that we today would call “mind-control” to obtain and indoctrinate new members. These reportedly involved the use of drugs like hashish, and the transfer of the recruit to “a sumptuous garden filled with beauty, feasts and women.” In this drug-induced state, the recruit on waking was convinced that he had literally gone to Paradise. Upon his return to the "real" world, over time and at the hands of artful teachers, the recruit’s original beliefs in Islam were replaced with a perverted version called the “Nizari Ismailis” -- which ultimately convinced him he could return to this Paradise by means of sacrificing himself for the Cause and its leaders. Internally, the leaders of this sect referred to it as the ‘New Propaganda.”


Readers who have studied bin Laden should now recognize many echoes of this 12th Century Islmailis cult in bin Laden’s fanatic 21st Century followers, who apparently carried out the fatal September suicide missions holding similar bizarre “Islamic” beliefs. Clearly, according to a document discovered by the FBI in one of the hijackers’ bags, the hijackers were convinced that the simple act of carrying out their mission would get them “back to Paradise,” a striking parallel to the Assassin’s original beliefs. This, of course, is in stark contrast to traditional Islam -- which teaches that suicide is a sin against Allah, and that one must live an exemplary life to return to Heaven.


This underscores one of the many puzzles of this increasingly paradoxical event: how supposedly “devout Muslims” –- some of the suicide pilots and their henchmen -- were seen drinking and carousing at strip clubs the night before the attacks!  The answer: like the brainwashed members of the original 12th Century Assassins, the suicide hijackers also did not believe that they needed to follow the traditional external teachings of Islam to get to Heaven ...  They had a “shortcut.”


Eventually, the Assassins were driven out of the Holy land, only to retreat to Afghanistan and Pakistan –- precisely where bin Laden now has his base (in fact, perhaps subtly referring to this ancient heritage, bin Laden calls his current world-wide assassination network “Al Qaeda” -– “the Base”).

Modern Afghanistan, after they finally defeated the invading Soviet Union in the 1980’s, was taken over by a fanatic religious revolutionary government called the “Taliban,” which translates from Arabic as “students of God” (Allah). This revolution, which began as a religious weapon -- a “jihad” -- against the Soviets (with the direction and encouragement of both the CIA and the Pakistani intelligence service, ISI), was subsequently taken up and is now quietly being continued by a series of Islamic madrasas (Muslim religious seminaries) in both countries.  It is here, according to New York Times reporter Jeffrey Goldberg, writing in the summer of 2000, that the next generation of bin Laden’s brand of “Assassins” is even now being quietly trained.

“… the secret of the Taliban -- the secret of Talibanism   -- is not found inside the Shrine of the Cloak of Muhammad. The secret is embodied in the two 11-year-olds cocking their fingers at me, and in the taunts of the students in the mosque who raised their hands for Osama bin Laden, and in the person of Mullah Haji Muhammad, my 17-year-old minder in Kandahar who has no interest in any book but the Koran, and in the hundreds of thousands of young men like him at madrasas across Pakistan and Afghanistan. These are poor and impressionable boys kept entirely ignorant of the world and, for that matter, largely ignorant of all but one interpretation of Islam [emphasis added].

“They are the perfect jihad machines.”


Protected by Afghanistan’s Taliban, it is apparent that bin Laden sees himself as leading a new generation of Islamic fanatics –- to be molded into modern descendants of the ancient Assassins -- in a continuation of the “900-year-old holy war” against the hated infidels of the Crusades, almost a thousand years ago: the Templars, and their ultimate creation … the United States.


A war to be prosecuted this time using, among many weapons, naked fear and terror against innocent civilians; the slitting of the flight crew and passengers throats aboard those aircraft, and the allowing of last-minute terrified cell phone calls from the hijacked planes, was obviously designed to be an unmistakable reminder to those “in the know” of the fearsome “signature of the Assassins.”  Other weapons in this “new” (actually, very old) war: subterfuge, disinformation, the planting of “sleepers” in the enemy camp years before, etc. A campaign of escalating terror clearly now being planned … with a final, global outcome in mind.


In this role as a modern “al-Hasan ibn-al-Sabbah,” in addition to using his great inherited wealth to underwrite this now literally global network, bin Laden is recognized even by his enemies as a devious and highly educated mastermind –- and one with a determined long-term plan. But recent evidence has surfaced that a major part of that “plan” may not be the sole creation of bin Laden, but a shadowy figure known as Ayman al Zawahiri –- a highly educated medical doctor, and bin Laden’s right hand man.




Al Zawahiri also began his terrorist career in Egypt, being a young medical student when he first became involved in a plot called “the Muslim Brotherhood” to kill then President Nasser in the 1960’s.  Later, he was put on trail and jailed for three years for being part of Islamic Jihad’s successful plot to kill Nasser’s successor, Anwar Sadat, in October 1981.  Surfacing in Pakistan in 1987, where his medical training was used to aid Afghani resistance fighters to the Soviet invasion, that’s where he first met bin Laden.


According to CNN terrorism expert, Peter Bergen:


“Ayman al-Zawahiri's influence on bin Laden has been profound. According to a number of people who know both men, he helped him become more radical, more anti-American and more violent.”


According to Bergen’s sources, this is because al-Zawahiri has a vision of “an apocalyptic conflict between Islam and the West ….”

In other words, an Armageddon War –- the Last Jihad.


Mustaf al-Amin, a contemporary authority on Freemasonry, in his book Al-Islam, Christianity & Freemasonry notes:



“During the period of the Crusades, many of the ideas and practices of the Muslim groups were adopted by the European Christian warriors. More specifically, it was through the Knights Templar that most of the Eastern secret societies’ methods were introduced to Europe. The Templars were influenced by the Order of the Assassins ...”

Rispondi  Messaggio 22 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:58

Al-Amin goes on to observe that the Assassins, when carrying out their missions, took great pleasure in the actual killing -– believing that the victims, in dying, gave up their gnosis (life force) to their assassins ...


Given this background, it was still astonishing for us to discover an unmistakable “signature” … unequivocally linking the millennial-old Order of the Assassins to the horrific events of September 11, 2001.  Because --


If you take the current year, 2001, and subtract the year al-Hasan ibn-al-Sabbah founded the Assassins, 1090, you get --




Obviously, whoever was behind this modern horror wanted us to specifically and unmistakably connect the unique and ancient Middle Eastern “secret and warrior society” –- the Order of the Assassins –- with this specific 9/11 event.  Further, as previously noted, they also wanted us to realize that this is also the only year, 2001, that the addition of the numbers in the year of the founding of the Knights Templar  –- 1118 (1+1+1+8 = 11) -– plus the number of founding Knights in the Templar Order (9), gives the same identifying number --


It should now also be obvious that the same “someone” who meticulously planned these attacks, also wanted it known that there was a major nexus between their planning and the Templars -– between the date of the Templars formation in 1118 (and that first Crusade, which brought them to their secret excavations on the Temple Mount) -- and this one date: September 11, 2001.  And … an equally fundamental connection between the Templars and the Assassins themselves …


There is historical evidence pointing to the Order of the Assassins being present at the seminal battle of Hattin, in 1187, where the Knights Templar were resoundingly defeated. Is it coincidence that the term “Assasseen” in Arabic signifies “guardians”, and that some commentators have considered this to be the true origin of the word?  But -- “guardians” of what?  How about: whatever the Templar Knights defiled through their non-Islamic excavations under Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem in 1118, and brought first to Europe … then to Scotland … then West?


As we dug deeper, it became apparent that many additional layers of sophisticated Assassin/Templar symbolic “fingerprints” had been deliberately encoded in this tragedy (see below). The real mystery: to what end?


Even conventional news organizations have noted some of the more superficially “symbolic” aspects of these strikes -- calling the twin WTC towers and the Pentagon “symbols of America.” They are, of course, correct. But it is clear that, beyond the now much-used cliché “they’re the heart of the financial and military power of the United States,” these media pundits simply do not understand what these objects -- especially the Twin Towers -- are truly symbols “of” … at a far more fundamental level.


Yes, it is also true that the Pentagon is the heart of American military prowess and pride. It makes sense as a target, if the aim of the Assassins was to put doubt into the minds of the enemy, just as their ruthless predecessors did with the Templars so many centuries ago. But, again, why the twin WTC towers? Why not, if your aim is to strike at the financial center of America, take out the entire New York Stock Exchange ..?]



The reason the twin towers were such inviting targets to radical Islamic fundamentalists (like Bin Laden), was that they were symbols, first and foremost, of America's Masonic/Templar roots. It was no accident that these particular buildings housed the financial center of the Free World; they represented the Templar’s little-known invention of the very international financial system that has enabled the United States to become the global superpower that it is now.


This legacy, again, stemmed from whatever the Knights succeeded in retrieving from the Temple Mount in 1127; that it was “something of enormous value” -– both financially and culturally -- seems apparent in their subsequent reception across Europe. When news spread of the Templars' success in their “retrieval operation,” history records that the Knights became revered by one and all.  And, in spite of their newly-acquired Jerusalem wealth, major donations also began flowing in from all other quarters. Suddenly, no price seemed too high to secure identification with the Templars.


According to one writer:


“Within a decade of their return, the Templars were probably the most influential body the world has ever known. Nonetheless, despite the prodigious holdings of the Order, the individual Knights were still bound to a vow of poverty. Whatever his station in life, every Templar was obliged to sign over title to his possessions. Even the Grand Master, Hugues de Payens, had done so. Yet still the sons of nobility flocked to join the Order, either as warriors in the Crusades or as travelling ambassadors and political consultants. Being so well funded, the Templars established the first international banking network, becoming financiers for the Levant and for practically every throne in Europe [emphasis added].


Thus, in striking at the World Trade Center, whoever carried out the attack was striking not just at the political concept of “America” -- but at the underlying financial aspect of the Templar legacy.  A legacy overtly symbolized by the very nature of the twin World Trade Center Towers themselves …


In the Mythology of the Freemasons/Templars, one of the core legends is that of Jachin and Boaz … the “Twin Pillars” of Atlantis.




All Masonic lodges have these two pillars at some location in their architecture. In the earliest Lodges, they were said to represent far more ancient pillars, supposedly erected by “the children of Lamech.” On those ancient pillars -- one of brick, one of stone -- were said to be engraved all the then known sciences to preserve them from destruction “by fire or inundation.” As such, they symbolized the esoteric importance of the knowledge of the builder's (mason’s) art, to be guarded and preserved by future faithful craftsmen. Simply put, according to Masonic legend, “the children of Lamech” were the inhabitants of Atlantis. This information, passed down from that prior highly advanced civilization, is supposed to form the basis of the Masonic secrets “from the ancient times.”


Hundreds of years later, shortly before the American Revolution, these original representations of “ancient, preserved knowledge” were replaced in Masonic lodges with two brass pillars, representing two similar pillars originally erected at the entrance to King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem -- the Pillars of Jachin and Boaz. The new Masonic pillars took on the symbolic attributes of “establishment” and “strength,” cleverly concealing their continuing representation of the great catastrophe which had destroyed a previous epoch of “high civilization,” beneath additional layers of almost impenetrable (for most non-members) new symbolic interpretation.


These same two pillars also make their appearance in non-Masonic religious works, like the Bible.


“And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the
right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left
pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz. (1 Kings

Rispondi  Messaggio 23 di 53 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 26/08/2011 01:59

“And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and
the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin,
and the name of that on the left Boaz. (2 Chronicles 3:17)”


As the root source of the deepest Masonic secrets –- the literal “end of days,” and the Masonic role in the subsequent “preservation and carefully timed re-dissemination of the sacred knowledge of Mankind” -- these twin pillars, “Jachin” and “Boaz,” represent the most sacred objects in contemporary Templar/Masonic rituals. Because of this, their symbolic incorporation into the towering 110-story twin World Trade Center Towers made those “pillars”  -- not the New York Stock Exchange -- the prime targets of the Islmailis “Assassins” still waging their millennia-long “holy war” ….


If we could tie the actual architects of the WTC towers directly to Freemasonry, we would have strong support for this aspect of our theory. To this point however, we have not been able to do so. We do, however, have some fascinating circumstantial evidence  -– both from the architecture of the Trade Towers themselves … and from their world-class architect, Minoru Yamasaki.


“There are a few very influential architects who sincerely believe that all buildings must be 'strong'. The word 'strong' in this context seems to connote 'powerful' — that is, each building should be a monument to the virility of our society. These architects look with derision upon attempts to build a friendly, more gentle kind of building. The basis for their belief is that our culture is derived primarily from Europe, and that most of the important traditional examples of European architecture are monumental, reflecting the need of the state, church, or the feudal families — the primary patrons of these buildings — to awe and impress the masses. This is incongruous today. Although it is inevitable for architects who admire these great monumental buildings of Europe to strive for the quality most evident in them — grandeur, the elements of mysticism and power, basic to cathedrals and palaces, are also incongruous today, because the buildings we build for our times are for a totally different purpose.”

--  Minoru Yamasaki, in Paul Heyer, Architects on Architecture: New Directions in America, p186.

Yamasaki’s discussion of incorporating qualities of “grandeur” … “mysticism” … “power,” as in the great cathedrals, into contemporary architecture is provocative.  And his specific reiteration of the term “strong,” remarkably echoes the very meaning of one of the pillars of Solomon’s Temple  -– “Boaz” … “strength.”  Even more intriguing, in the Temple “Boaz” was the left hand (northern) pillar; in the September 11th attack, Flight 11 hit the northern Tower first -– thereby attacking the “strength of America” first …


However, without an internal memo from Yamasaki’s architectural firm directly admitting this intended symbolism in the choice of “two twin towers,” we readily admit that some will not see this crucial connection to the events of September 11th. So, how about some direct architectural evidence?


Yamasaki, again the chief architect of the Towers, once described his search for architectural inspiration thus:



“… I decided that I wanted to go back and find out what happened in the older buildings, you see. And once I got started on this idea of looking at older buildings to try to gain from them the qualities that we might instill in our architecture then I got very excited, you see. And so I started with the cathedrals …”


In a direct comparison, the Gothic cathedral-like architecture Yamasaki designed into the World Trade Towers becomes startling and unmistakable in hindsight.  The question is: was he trying to communicate something deeper than a mere physical resemblance …?




The great Gothic cathedrals of Europe were constructed over a period of about two hundreds years –- from approximately 1134 to 1350 -- by masons … ostensibly the same guild that would go on to become the foundation of Freemasonry today. And it was these same Templar masons who were supposed have incorporated esoteric and secret geometric knowledge into the cathedrals basic construction.  Notes writer Graham Hancock:


“St. Bernard, the patron of the Templars, played a formative role in the evolution and dissemination of the Gothic architectural formula in its early days (he had been at the height of his powers in 1134 when the soaring north tower of Chartres cathedral had been built), and he had constantly stressed the principles of sacred geometry that had been put into practice in that tower and throughout the whole wonderful building.


“… Soaring roofs and arches had … been the distinguishing features of the Gothic architectural formula as expressed at Chartres and other French cathedrals in the twelfth century -- cathedrals that ... were regarded by some observers as 'scientifically ... far beyond what can be allowed for in the knowledge of the epoch' [Louis Charpentier, The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral.]”

Hancock goes on to speculate:


“... What if, in their excavations on the Temple Mount, they [the Knights Templar] had unearthed scrolls, manuscripts, theorems or blueprints relating to Solomon's Temple itself? What if these discoveries had included the lost architectural secrets of geometry, proportion, balance and harmony that had been known to the builders of the pyramids and other great monuments of antiquity [emphasis added]?”

In addition to their obvious resemblance to the soaring Gothic cathedrals that so obviously impressed Yamasaki decades before, what else was he trying to communicate through his choice of this particular design?  Did he, like the Templar architects and Masons who built the astonishing cathedrals a thousand years before, also encode ultimate “Masonic secrets” in the Towers’ very forms …?


Paul Heyer’s Architects on Architecture: New Directions in America (p. 194-195) contains the following description of Yamasaki’s actual design of the twin towers:


“The structural system, deriving from the I.B.M. Building in Seattle, is impressively simple. The 208-foot wide facade is, in effect, a prefabricated steel lattice, with columns on 39-inch centers acting as wind bracing to resist all overturning forces; the central core takes only the gravity loads of the building. A very light, economical structure results by keeping the wind bracing in the most efficient place, the outside surface of the building, thus not transferring the forces through the floor membrane to the core, as in most curtain-wall structures. Office spaces will have no interior columns. In the upper floors there is as much as 40,000 square feet of office space per floor. The floor construction is of prefabricated trussed steel, only 33 inches in depth, that spans the full 60 feet to the core, and also acts as a diaphragm to stiffen the outside wall against lateral buckling forces from wind-load pressures."


“... a prefabricated steel lattice, with columns on 39-inch centers …”


As everyone who has followed our research should instantly recognize by now, 39 is none other than --


Twice 19.5!


Two towers …  twice 19.5 … creating a 39-inch separation of the steel.

“ … The floor construction is of prefabricated trussed steel, only 33 inches in depth, that spans the full 60 feet to the core .…”

And, again, those of you have followed our research will instantly recognize that --


“33” is not only the highest attainable Degree in Masonry in the Scottish Rite  … it is also (and more fundamentally) the sin of 19.5 degrees.


“60” of course is the critical angle in both equilateral triangles and the tetrahedra of which they are comprised -- the latter incorporating those same critical circumscribed 19.5-degree angles …


In other words, it is overwhelmingly obvious that Yamasaki went out of his way to quietly, secretly, incorporate key Templar/Masonic geometric information in the most fundamental dimensions of the World Trade Center Towers themselves.  By using these specific units [which are NOT metric, and certainly not part of any Imperial (English) measurement system], there can be no other logical explanation for Yamasaki’s bizarre choices of those specific numbers … other than to enshrine Masonic secrets in his masterpieces … and thus provide convincing proof of the  Trade Towers ultimate symbolic role as “the twin pillars of Solomon.”


And on September 11th, 2001, these 110-story representations of Jachin and Boaz –- incorporating, through Minoru Yamasaki’s quiet genius, elements of Templar knowledge extending back at least a thousand years -- were finally, deliberately, and totally … destroyed.

The only surviving clue as to the hidden knowledge once incorporated in their towering construction, being haunting portions of “… the prefabricated steel lattice, with columns on 39-inch centers .…”




Another way to look at this extraordinarily well-planned and overwhelmingly successful terrorist attack against these major Templar symbols, is in the context of the “ritual alignment pattern” we have been documenting for so long.


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