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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 01/09/2011 00:10


 Hageo 2:8: Mía es la plata, y mío es el ORO, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.

Génesis Capítulo 49


 Y llamó Jacob a sus hijos, y dijo: Juntaos, y os declararé lo que os ha de acontecer en los días venideros.

2 Juntaos y oíd, hijos de Jacob,

Y escuchad a vuestro padre Israel.

11 Atando a la vid su pollino,

Y a la cepa el hijo de su asna,

Lavó en el vino su vestido,

Y en la sangre de uvas su manto.

12 Sus ojos, rojos del vino,

Y sus dientes blancos de la leche.

13 Zabulón en puertos de mar habitará;

Será para puerto de naves,

Y su límite hasta Sidón.

14 Isacar, asno fuerte

Que se recuesta entre los apriscos;

15 Y vio que el descanso era bueno,

2 y que la tierra era deleitosa;

Y bajó su hombro para llevar,

Y sirvió en tributo.

16 Dan juzgará a su pueblo,

Como una de las tribus de Israel.

17 Será Dan serpiente junto al camino,

Víbora junto a la senda,

Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete. (49:17 EQUIVALE A 13:8-AQUI ESTA CODIFICADA LA CAIDA DE LOS TEMPLARIOS Y LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU)






Apocalipsis 12:14: Y se le dieron a la mujer las dos alas de la gran águila, para que volase de delante de la SERPIENTE al desierto, a su lugar, donde es sustentada por un tiempo, y tiempos, y la mitad de un tiempo. (1 MAS 3 ES IGUAL A 3. AQUI TENEMOS EL NUMERO PI=3.14)

En el contexto a que el año primitivamente comenzaba el primero de marzo tenemos que el mismo mes era el primero, abril el segundo, mayo el tercero, junio el cuarto, julio el quinto, agosto el sexto, septiembre el septimo, octubre el octavo, noviembre el noveno, diciembre el decimo, enero el onceavo y febrero el doceavo. Hay una interrelacion matematica increible ya que entre el 1 de enero y el 15 de agosto tenemos 227 dias y entre el 1 de marzo y el 13 de octubre tambien tenemos 227 dias. Concretamente el CALENDARIO JULIANO/GREGORIANO DE ORIGEN EGIPCIO ESTA DISEÑADO EN FUNCION AL 15 DE AGOSTO Y 13 DE OCTUBRE POR SU INTERRELACION CON EL NUMERO 227. RECORDEMOS QUE 22/7 ES IGUAL A PI. Otro detalle impresionante es que en el AÑO DE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE EEUU no solo ESTA CODIFICADO EL 13 DE OCTUBRE SINO QUE TAMBIEN EL 15 DE AGOSTO, EL DIA DE LA ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN. RECORDEMOS QUE 22:7 TIENE UN FUERTE NEXO CON EL PLANETA VENUS (EL LUCERO DE LA MAÑANA) YA QUE ES EN APOCALIPSIS 22:16 O TAMBIEN 22:1+6 (22:7) adonde se habla del mismo.
Pregunto a alguien del foro que me explique del porque estas interrelaciones matematicas:
SUMANDO 1+7,7+6 osea 8,13
SUMANDO 1+7+7,6 osea 15,6
JUAN 7:22
7:22 Por cierto, Moisés os dio la circuncisión (no porque sea de Moisés, sino de los padresGenesis 17. 10); y en el día de reposo circuncidáis al hombre(22/7=3.14 (Numero PI). increiblemente tenemos un NEXO DE LA PI-RAMIDE TRUNCADA (SIMBOLO FALICO CIRCUNCIDADO) INTERRELACIONADO INCLUSO CON EL DIA DE REPOSO)
illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)
7:23 Si recibe el hombre la circuncisiónLevitico 12. 3 en el día de reposo, para que la ley de Moisés no sea quebrantada, ¿os enojáis conmigo porque en el día de reposo sané completamente a un hombre?Juan 5. 9
eagle.jpg (67393 bytes)  illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)



Mateo 6:33: Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su JUSTICIA, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas.


25 Por tanto os digo: No os afanéis por vuestra vida, qué habéis de comer o qué habéis de beber; ni por vuestro cuerpo, qué habéis de vestir. ¿No es la vida más que el alimento, y el cuerpo más que el vestido? 26 Mirad las aves del cielo, que no siembran, ni siegan, ni recogen en graneros; y vuestro Padre celestial las alimenta. ¿No valéis vosotros mucho más que ellas? 27 ¿Y quién de vosotros podrá, por mucho que se afane, añadir a su estatura un codo? 28 Y por el vestido, ¿por quéos afanáis? Considerad los lirios del campo, cómo crecen: no trabajan ni hilan;

29 pero os digo, que ni aun Salomón con toda su gloria se vistió así como uno de ellos. 30 Y si la hierba del campo que hoy es, y mañana se echa en el horno, Dios la viste así, ¿no hará mucho más a vosotros, hombres de poca fe? 31 No os afanéis, pues, diciendo: ¿Qué comeremos, o qué beberemos, o qué vestiremos? 32 Porque los gentiles buscan todas estas cosas; pero vuestro Padre celestial sabe que tenéis necesidad de todas estas cosas. 33 Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas. (EL 15 DE AGOSTO, DIA NUMERO 227 DESDE EL 1 DE ENERO QUE ES EL AÑO NUEVO MODERNO GREGORIANO, PERTENECE ZODIACALMENTE A LEO QUE TIENE CONNOTACION DE REINO, EN CAMBIO EL 13 DE OCTUBRE, DIA NUMERO 227 DESDE EL 1 DE MARZO PERTENECE ZODIACALMENTE A LIBRA QUE ES SINONIMO DE LA JUSTICIA O JUICIO. RECORDEMOS QUE SEGUN GENESIS 49:16 DAN JUZGARA A SU PUEBLO. VEMOS QUE VIRGO/VIRGEN ESTA ENTRE AMBAS CONSTELACIONES)

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Respuesta  Mensaje 25 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/09/2011 17:30

The Cross click here

On pages 197 and 198 of The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop wrote:

The same sign of the cross that Rome now worships was used in the Babylonian Mysteries, was applied by Paganism to the same magic purposes, was honoured with the same honours. That which is now called the Christian cross was originally no Christian emblem at all, but was the mystic Tau of the Chaldeans and Egyptians–the true original form of the letter T–the initial of the name of Tammuz–which, in Hebrew, radically the same as ancient Chaldee, as found on coins, was formed as in No. 1 of the accompanying woodcut (Fig. 43)

and in Etrurian and Coptic, as in Nos. 2 and 3. That mystic Tau was marked in baptism on the foreheads of those initiated in the Mysteries*, [Tertullian, De Proescript. Hoeret. cap.40, vol. ii. ii. p.54, and Note. The language of Tertullian implies that those who were initiated by baptism in the Mysteries were marked on the forehead in the same way, as his Christian country-men in Africa, who had begun by this time to be marked in baptism with the sign of the cross.] and was used in every variety of way as a most sacred symbol. To identify Tammuz with the sun it was joined sometimes to the circle of the sun , as in No. 4; sometimes it was inserted in the circle, as in No. 5.

The 'tree of life' of the heathen, which is in reality the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The Greek alphabet comes from the Phoenician alphabet which, in essence, is the same as Paleo Hebrew. χξς would be rendered in Phoenician as:

χ = which is a picture of crossed sticks

ξ= which is a picture of a thorn or branch

ς= Stigma means a mark and like the letter ξ was used to represent a coiled serpent.

Hence, the pictograph meaning of the χξς is a serpent on the branch of a tree. It is the equivalent of the tree of knowledge of good and evil click here .

The concept of the union of opposites/'as above so below'.

Wikipedia.org Wikipedia.org
Combining the cross and the circle, it is the simplest conceivable representation of the union of opposed polarities in the Western world. It often stood for the sun and for the tree of life. It may be compared to the yin-yang symbol of the Eastern world.

Hitler, a modern day type of antichrist beast, is linked to the above ideas through the symbology of the Nazis. The swastika is another form of the celtic cross/sun cross. The Nazis also used the 'iron cross' symbol which is yet another way of portraying the sun cross. Hitler believed in the hollow earth theory of the Vril society which speaks of the Aryan race of Atlantis and the 'awakening' of the superman within the blood of the Aryan. Hitler is discussed in more detail in part 11 click here .

Leprechaun Duende

Wikipedia.org Wikipedia.org

A leprechaun (Irish: leipreachán) is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat, who enjoys partaking in mischief. Like other fairy creatures, leprechauns have been linked to the Tuatha Dé Danann* of Irish mythology.

According to local Irish folklore, the history of leprechauns has its beginning in magic. The general belief is that leprechauns are descendants of the Tuatha De Danaan, who were the people of the Goddess Danu. The Tuatha De Danaan were a group of magical beings led by Lugh the Long-Armed Warrior, who used a rainbow as a sling weapon.

*Tuatha Dé Danann click here were the nephilim click here .

Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions – James Bonwick

By far the most interesting of the peoples that formerly inhabited Ireland were the Tuaths, or Tuatha de Danaans, or Dananns. There is much mystery about them in Irish traditions. They were men, gods, or fairies.

Although Ireland holds the tale of the leprechauns, these little people can be found in almost all folk lore around the world. The Native American Indians tell of a time when the Giants appeared on the Earth, 'Little People' went into Inner Worlds of 'Mother Earth' click here .

One Irish author, Vallencey, has said,

“The Church Festivals themselves, in our Christian Calendar, are but the direct transfers from the Tuath de Danaan ritual. Their very names in Irish are identically the same as those by which they were distinguished by that earlier race.”

The earliest known reference to the leprechaun appears in the medieval tale known as the Echtra Fergus mac Léti (English: Adventure of Fergus son of Léti).

The text contains an episode in which Fergus mac Léti, King of Ulster, falls asleep on the beach and wakes to find himself being dragged into the sea by three lúchorpáin. He captures his abductors, who grant him three wishes in exchange for release.

Three wishes connects back to the Arabian tales of genies click here .

In Medieval Jewish, Islamic and Christian legends, the Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring said to have been possessed by King Solomon (or Sulayman in the Islamic version), which variously gave him the power to command demons (or jinni), or to speak with animals. In one of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, an evil jinn is described as being imprisoned in a copper bottle for 1,800 years by a lead seal stamped by the ring. Other, later books (Pseudomonarchia Daemonum) manage to fit far more demons in the bottle (Wikipedia, Seal of Solomon)

Story of Aladdin

Aladdin lamp

Aladdin lamp

In the story the Fisherman fishes up the container of Satan stamped with the Seal of Solomon. Upon opening, smoke arises and a beast emerges. Satan is a Jinni (Genie) contained in a bottle or lamp or bottomless pit or prison of some type.

The first thing out of the Jinni's mouth is the declaration that Sulayman (Solomon) is the prophet of God. Sulayman being dead 1800 years ago and that we are in the last days of the world. The Jinni offers the Fisherman a wish of choosing how to die. The Jinni declares that it is among the heretical Jann and that it sinned against Sulayman. The Jinni declares an alliance with Sakhr al Janni. The Janni refused to obey True Faith (God) and was locked in the cucumber jar. The jar was sealed with the Most High Name (The Name of God)….

Children of the Matrix pg 100

'The tales of underground worlds inhabited by fairies, elves, goblins, demons, dragons, and other non-human communities abound in folklore across the world and they were often known as the 'shining ones', the same as the Annunaki and the 'gods' under other names in ancient texts. The name in Norse folklore for this underground world of caverns, tunnel networks, and even vast cities, is Niflheim {Notice the connection to the Hebrew word Nephilim click here , referring back to Genesis 6} . The Norse people said that Niflheim was ruled by the death goddess, Hel. These 'fairy folk' in all their names and guises were said to interbreed with humans to create hybrid bloodlines, abduct surface people, drink human blood, and take human reproductive materials.”

Michael Mott – Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures

“To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidden-folk and Indian Nagas alike, they shunned the sunlight, and often seemed interested in crossbreeding their own bloodlines with those of human beings, or even in crossbreeding their 'livestock' or fairy cattle, horses, hounds and so forth with the surface species which were most compatible. The goblin-dwarf, Rumplestiltskin, in his lust to have the human baby and its genetic bounty, is just one example of this in folklore. The elves took a regular interest in human affairs – weddings, births, deaths, (bloodlines), the success of crops and livestock, and so forth – but only for their own selfish interests. They seemed to be overly-concerned with genetic and biological diversity, and they pilfered livestock, crops, and human genes via theft or cross-species liaison whenever they saw fit to do so. The elves are genetically depicted as extremely fair-haired and fair-skinned.”

Respuesta  Mensaje 26 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/09/2011 17:31

Children of the Matrix pg 268

'The so-called greys of modern UFO legend appear to be the same as the beings known as the Galatur and Ushabtiu who abducted humans from underground in Sumerian and Egyptian myths, and the folklore of the Shetland islands off the north of Scotland referred to the 'little men' who abducted humans as 'grey neighbors' and the greys.”

Children of Matrix pg 269

“Irish legends tell of the sexual relationships between the ancient Milesians and the Tuatha de Danaan, the Irish 'underground gods' who fled into the Earth and settled there. St. Patrick, who 'removed the snakes from Ireland', is said to have seen one of these underground people, a 'fairy woman', coming out of the cave of Cruachan. When St. Patrick asks a Milesian about her, he replies: 'She is of the Tuatha de Danaan who are unfading…and I am of the sonof Mil [human Irish], who are perishable and fade away'.”

“Michael Mott summarizes here the common attributes of the underground peoples of global folklore: 'They are mostly reptilian or reptilian humanoids or 'fair' and Nordic; they are telepathic with superior mental powers; they can shape-shift and create illusions; they want to interbreed with humans and need human blood, flesh, and reproductive materials; they have advanced technology; they have the secret of immortality; they can fly, either by themselves or with their technology; they mostly have a malevolent agenda for humans; they cannot survive for long in direct sunlight; they have been banished from the surface world or are in hiding from surface people and/or the Sun; they want to keep their treasures, knowledge, and true identity a secret; they covertly manipulate events on the surface world; they have surface humans working for them through the priesthoods, cults, and secret societies; they have putrid smell like 'sulphur and brimstone'.”

Children of the Matrix pg 178


“Sir Laurence Gardner, the head of the Royal Dragon Court and Order says that the 'Dragon Bloodlines' have been called the Elven Race and terms like elf, fairy, and pixie all symbolise the 'representatives of various castes withing the kingly succession' “

Notice the connection. Leprechauns trace back to the Tuatha de Danaan. The Tuatha de Danaan trace back to the Nephilim of old. There are those who connect the Tuatha de Danaan to the British kings as seen above. Here we see a strong connection to the Merovingian bloodline teaching that has become mainstream in recent years. Merovee was said to be a son of both Poseidon and Messiah Yahshua. The Nephilim, Davidic bloodline connection. Over and over again it is seen in these pagan holidays the connection to the antichrist kingdom.

Camelot Revisited


The Shining Ones' dimension on the Tor (Gwyn ap Nudd's Fairy castle) may be accessed at particular times of the year when the veils between worlds are very thin. It is said that Glastonbury is a place of emergence for the Fifth World (New Jerusalem) where people enter into the earth at the end of an age and from which they emerge at the beginning of a new world. Many believe that a blessed moment of the highest of vibrations is taking place in this physical realm.

Legend has it that Camelot will return when needed along with the good leadership of King Arthur, who is legend to be one of the Shining Ones. The Holy Grail, like the Celts' holy Cauldron of Regeneration, connotes rebirth. A birthing of Christ Consciousness, empowerment, love that “passeth all understanding”, a new grace, a Light-body of incredible proportions, and a balanced sacred Earth are close at hand. Connecting to the Divine is our birth right.”

St. Patricks day is a good source of understanding the nature of the enemy. On the surface this holiday and its origins do not seem sinister. On the surface the holiday does not seem to trace back to any pagan feasts, in fact it seems to be a remembrance of a man who sought to spread the Gospel to the heathen. However, by digging deeper one can see that St. Patrick did not truly preach the Gospel, but took the methodology of the Roman Catholic Church to whom he belonged and took the customs and beliefs of the heathen of Ireland and amalgamated them into Christian beliefs. A look at Irish history sheds light on the concept of True Israel versus false Israel. True Israel walks in covenant relationship with Adonai YHWH by faith in Messiah Yahshua. False Israel relies on genealogies that trace back to ancient Israel while mixing and mingling the blood of non-Israelites and mixing and mingling the beliefs of Israel and the heathens around them. True Israel seeks the Kingdom that comes from above, who's King is Adonai Yahshua. False Israel seeks the kingdom of this earth, who's king is a fleshly descendant of King David.

Php 3:20 For our citizenship is in Heaven, from where we also wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
Php 3:21 who will transform our body of humiliation, for it to be conformed to His body of glory, according to the working of Him to be able even to subject all things under Himself.

This is what it comes down to. Our citizenship can be to this world which will lead to taking the mark of the beast when the fallen angels come to earth appearing as the angels of Messiah Yahshua to bring man to his 'next step in evolution', transforming him into a beast like unto the antichrist. Or our citizenship can be from heaven where we wait for the return of Adonai Yahshua who will come with His angels and gather us from the four corners of the earth where we will be transformed into His Image in the twinkling of an eye.

Easter Semana Santa

click here click here

Easter has been handed down via tradition as the celebration of the resurrection of Messiah. However, just as all the holidays mentioned above, there may be a thin veil of Christianity associated with the holiday, but in reality the tradition and customs trace back to the Mystery religions of old.

The name Easter derives from the goddess Eostre/Ishtar.

International Standard Bible Dictionary

Easter Semana Santa
ēs´tẽr (πάσχα, páscha, from Aramaic פסחא , paṣḥā' and Hebrew פסח , peṣaḥ, the Passover festival): The English word comes from the Anglo-Saxon Eastre or Estera, a Teutonic goddess to whom sacrifice was offered in April, so the name was transferred to the paschal feast. The word does not properly occur in Scripture, although the King James Version has it in Act_12:4 where it stands for Passover, as it is rightly rendered in the Revised Version (British and American)

Easter – the Queen of Heaven

Webster's New World College Dictionary:
“Astarte … a Semitic goddess of fertility and sexual love, worshiped by the Phoenicians and others: see also ASHTORETH, ISHTAR.”
“Ashtoreth … the ancient Phoenician and Syrian goddess of love and fertility: identified with ASTARTE.”
“Ishtar … see ASHTORETH … the goddess of love, fertility, and war.”

Encyclopedia Britannica:
“Astarte/Ashtoreth is the Queen of Heaven to whom the Canaanites had burned incense and poured libations.”

Soul Vision website:
“Known by many names, across time and space, Lilith or Eve, Anath and Asherah, Astarte, the Queen of Heaven, the Shekhinah and the Matronit…. No matter Her name, she was loved.”

Shekhina Hebrew Goddess website:
“Shekhina [is] the Hebrew Goddess of the Kabbala.”

Encyclopedia Britannica:
“Ishtar is the Akkadian counterpart of the West Semitic goddess Astarte.”

Encyclopedia Britannica:
“Through her identification with the Greek Aphrodite and the Roman Venus, Inanna-Ishtar, the queen of heaven, still survives in Roman Catholic iconography – eg, as the Virgin Mary standing on the moon.”

Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 1894:
“Queen of Heaven with the ancient Phoenicians, was Astarte; Greeks, Hera; Romans, Juno; Trivia, Hecate, Diana, the Egyptian Isis, etc., were all so called; but with the Roman Catholics it is the Virgin Mary.”

Temple of the Temptress:
“Diana was called the Mother goddess and Queen of heaven, just as Mary is called Mother of god and queen of heaven.”

Mary was proclaimed as the 'Queen of Heaven' in the 7th century in Ephesus where Artemis/Diana was worshipped as the Queen of Heaven.

Truth Matters Walter Veith pg 216

Queen of Heaven and the 'New World Order'

Rulers of Evil – Tupper Saussy pg 219-220

“Six hundred years after Isaiah {Isaiah 7:14; 9:6}, Virgil solemnly announced in the Fourth Eclogue that the Prince of Peace would be produced by the unrolling of a New World Order ('NOVUS ORDER SECLORUM'):

Now returns the Golden Age of Saturn, now appears the Immaculate Virgin. Now descends from heaven a divine Nativity. O! ¡Oh! Chaste Lucina, speed the Mother's pains, haste the glorious Birth, and usher in the reign of thy Apollo. thy consulship, O Pollio, shall lead this glorious Advent, and the new world order shall then begin to roll. Thenceforth whatever vestige of Original Sin remains, shall be swept away from earth forever, and the Son of God shall be the Prince of Peace!

Rulers of Evil pg 212 -13

Respuesta  Mensaje 27 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/09/2011 17:32

E. Pluribus Unum “of many, one”.

According to Manly Hall this phrase comes from the ancient Bacchic Rites click here which he says was the forerunner to Freemasonry. The Bacchic rites are built upon the story of the Titans causing Bacchus to become enthralled with himself in a mirror. While he is being mesmerized by himself the Titans seize him and tear him to pieces where they boil him and then roast him and eat him. This grieves all his loved ones, hence his name, Bacchus which cames from bakhah which means to weep or lament. Bacchus' sister, the virgin Minerva, rescues his sacred heart from the four elements and places them before Jupiter in heaven. Jupiter then turns the Titans to ashes with his thunderbolts. The rains further reduce the ashes to slime which are mingled with the four elements of Bacchus strewn body parts. From this slime, Jupiter forms mankind from which the 'Bacchic idea', or rational soul, must be released. The Bacchic idea is released by the slime's sexual energy, especially when facilitated by alcoholic drink…hence Bacchus is associated with grapevines, wild dancing, phallic symbols and fornication. {More on this below}

When death and sex have rescued the rational soul from the four slimy corners of the earth, a transfigured, eternal Bacchus is resurrected as the flaming Sun. He is E Pluribus Unum, One from Many, a resurrection symbolized by the pentagram, the one rising out of the four to make five. This, says Manly Hall, is the 'magical formula of man,' rising out of the bondage of the animal nature.


Respuesta  Mensaje 28 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/09/2011 22:30
1 Pedro 5:13: La iglesia que está en Babilonia, elegida juntamente con vosotros, y Marcos mi HIJO, os saludan.


16:1 Vinieron los fariseos y los saduceos para tentarle, y le pidieron que les mostrase señal del cielo.
16:2 Mas él respondiendo, les dijo: Cuando anochece, decís: Buen tiempo; porque el cielo tiene arreboles.
16:3 Y por la mañana: Hoy habrá tempestad; porque tiene arreboles el cielo nublado. ¡Hipócritas! que sabéis distinguir el aspecto del cielo, ¡mas las señales de los tiempos no podéis!
16:4 La generación mala y adúltera demanda señal; pero señal no le será dada,
sino la señal del profeta Jonás. Y dejándolos, se fue.
16:5 Llegando sus discípulos al otro lado, se habían olvidado de traer pan.
16:6 Y Jesús les dijo: Mirad, guardaos de la
levadura de los fariseos y de los saduceos. (¿fiesta de las levaduras? ¿Porque PEDRO APARECE A MARIA LA MADRE DE JUAN MARCOS EN CONTEXTO A LA FIESTA DE LAS LEVADURAS en contexto a HECHOS 12:12? ¿PORQUE JUAN MARCOS ES UN NEO-JONAS YA QUE NO FUE CON PABLO A MALTA en contexto a HECHOS 12, 13, 14 Y 15?)
16:7 Ellos pensaban dentro de sí, diciendo: Esto dice porque no trajimos pan.
16:8 Y entendiéndolo Jesús, les dijo: ¿Por qué pensáis dentro de vosotros, hombres de poca fe, que no tenéis pan?
16:9 ¿No entendéis aún, ni os acordáis de los cinco panes entre cinco mil hombres, y cuántas cestas recogisteis?
16:10 ¿Ni de los siete panes entre cuatro mil, y cuántas canastas recogisteis?
16:11 ¿Cómo es que no entendéis que no fue por el pan que os dije que os guardaseis de la
levadura de los fariseos y de los saduceos?
16:12 Entonces entendieron que no les había dicho que se guardasen de la levadura del pan, sino de la doctrina de los fariseos y de los saduceos.


16:14 Ellos dijeron: Unos, Juan el Bautista; otros, Elías; y otros, Jeremías, o alguno de los profetas.
16:15 El les dijo: Y vosotros, ¿quién decís que soy yo?
16:16 Respondiendo Simón Pedro, dijo: Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo del Dios viviente.
16:17 Entonces le respondió Jesús: Bienaventurado eres, Simón, hijo de
Jonás, porque no te lo reveló carne ni sangre, sino mi Padre que está en los cielos. ("hijo de Jonas" tiene nexo con la "señal de Jonas")
16:18 Y yo también te digo, que

El Número de Oro; Phi; la Divina Proporción


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16:19 Y a ti te daré las llaves del reino de los cielos; y todo lo que atares en la tierra será atado en los cielos; y todo lo que desatares en la tierra será desatado en los cielos.

10:1 Había en Cesarea un hombre llamado Cornelio, centurión de la compañía llamada la Italiana, (En el mismo lugar que Cristo le dijo a Pedro "piedra" en MATEO 16:18 en contexto a la SEÑAL DE JONAS. CONCRETAMENTE EN ESTE CONTEXTO SE CUMPLIO MATEO 16:18 EN PEDRO)
1. Mateo 16:13: Viniendo Jesús a la región de CESAREA de Filipo, preguntó a sus discípulos, diciendo: ¿Quién dicen los hombres que es el Hijo del Hombre?
21. Mateo 16:4: La generación mala y adúltera demanda señal; pero señal no le será dada, sino la señal del profeta Jonás. Y dejándolos, se fue.
22. Mateo 16:17: Entonces le respondió Jesús: Bienaventurado eres, Simón, hijo de Jonás, porque no te lo reveló carne ni sangre, sino mi Padre que está en los cielos.

10:2 piadoso y temeroso de Dios con toda su casa, y que hacía muchas limosnas al pueblo, y oraba a Dios siempre. (CASA DE ORACION/ESTA EN CLAVE CON LA VIUDA DE HECHOS 12:12)
10:3 Este vio claramente en una visión, como a la hora novena del día, que un ángel de Dios entraba donde él estaba, y le decía: Cornelio.
10:4 El, mirándole fijamente, y atemorizado, dijo: ¿Qué es, Señor? Y le dijo: Tus oraciones y tus limosnas han subido para memoria delante de Dios.
10:5 Envía, pues, ahora hombres a Jope, y haz venir a Simón, el que tiene por sobrenombre Pedro.
10:6 Este posa en casa de cierto Simón curtidor, que tiene su casa junto al mar; él te dirá lo que es necesario que hagas.
10:7 Ido el ángel que hablaba con Cornelio, éste llamó a dos de sus criados, y a un devoto soldado de los que le asistían;
10:8 a los cuales envió a Jope, después de haberles contado todo.
10:9 Al día siguiente, mientras ellos iban por el camino y se acercaban a la ciudad, Pedro subió a la azotea para orar, cerca de la hora sexta.
10:10 Y tuvo gran hambre, y quiso comer; pero mientras le preparaban algo, le sobrevino un éxtasis;
10:11 y vio el
cielo abierto, y que descendía algo semejante a un gran lienzo, que atado de las cuatro puntas era bajado a la tierra; (Relacion con la ESCALERA DE JACOB CIELO/TIERRA)
10:12 en el cual había de todos los cuadrúpedos terrestres y reptiles y aves del cielo.
10:13 Y le vino una voz: Levántate, Pedro, mata y come.
10:14 Entonces Pedro dijo: Señor, no; porque ninguna cosa común o inmunda he comido jamás.
10:15 Volvió la voz a él la segunda vez: Lo que Dios limpió, no lo llames tú común.
10:16 Esto se hizo tres veces; y aquel lienzo volvió a ser recogido en el cielo.
10:17 Y mientras Pedro estaba perplejo dentro de sí sobre lo que significaría la visión que había visto, he aquí los hombres que habían sido enviados por Cornelio, los cuales, preguntando por la
casa de Simón, llegaron a la puerta.
10:18 Y llamando, preguntaron si moraba allí un Simón que tenía por sobrenombre Pedro.
10:19 Y mientras Pedro pensaba en la visión, le dijo el Espíritu: He aquí, tres hombres te buscan.
10:20 Levántate, pues, y desciende y no dudes de ir con ellos, porque yo los he enviado.
10:21 Entonces Pedro, descendiendo a donde estaban los hombres que fueron enviados por Cornelio, les dijo: He aquí, yo soy el que buscáis; ¿cuál es la causa por la que habéis venido?
10:22 Ellos dijeron: Cornelio el centurión, varón justo y temeroso de Dios, y que tiene buen testimonio en toda la nación de los judíos, ha recibido instrucciones de un santo ángel, de hacerte venir a su casa para oír tus palabras.
10:23 Entonces, haciéndoles entrar, los hospedó. Y al día siguiente, levantándose, se fue con ellos; y le acompañaron algunos de los hermanos de Jope.
10:24 Al otro día entraron en
Cesarea. Y Cornelio los estaba esperando, habiendo convocado a sus parientes y amigos más íntimos.

10:25 Cuando Pedro entró, salió Cornelio a recibirle, y postrándose a sus pies, adoró.
10:26 Mas Pedro le levantó, diciendo: Levántate, pues yo mismo también soy hombre.
10:27 Y hablando con él, entró, y halló a muchos que se habían reunido.
10:28 Y les dijo: Vosotros sabéis cuán abominable es para un varón judío juntarse o acercarse
a un extranjero; pero a mí me ha mostrado Dios que a ningún hombre llame común o inmundo;

10:29 por lo cual, al ser llamado, vine sin replicar. Así que pregunto: ¿Por qué causa me habéis hecho venir?
10:30 Entonces Cornelio dijo: hace cuatro días que a esta hora yo estaba en ayunas; y a la hora novena, mientras
oraba en mi casa, vi que se puso delante de mí un varón con vestido resplandeciente, (VUELVE EL CODIGO CASA/ORACION DE LA VIUDA/HECHOS 12:12)
10:31 y dijo: Cornelio, tu oración ha sido oída, y tus limosnas han sido recordadas delante de Dios.
10:32 Envía, pues, a Jope, y haz venir a Simón el que tiene por sobrenombre Pedro, el cual mora en casa de Simón, un curtidor, junto al mar; y cuando llegue, él te hablará.
10:33 Así que luego envié por ti; y tú has hecho bien en venir. Ahora, pues, todos nosotros estamos aquí en la presencia de Dios, para oír todo lo que Dios te ha mandado.
10:34 Entonces Pedro, abriendo la boca, dijo: En verdad comprendo que Dios no hace acepción de personas,
10:35 sino que en toda nación se agrada del que le teme y hace justicia.
10:36 Dios envió mensaje a los hijos de Israel, anunciando el evangelio de la paz por medio de Jesucristo; éste es Señor de todos.
10:37 Vosotros sabéis lo que se divulgó por toda Judea, comenzando desde Galilea, después del bautismo que predicó Juan:
10:38 cómo
Dios ungió con el Espíritu Santo y con poder a Jesús de Nazaret, y cómo éste anduvo haciendo bienes y sanando a todos los oprimidos por el diablo, porque Dios estaba con él.
10:39 Y nosotros somos testigos de todas las cosas que Jesús hizo en la tierra de Judea y en Jerusalén; a quien mataron colgándole en un madero.
10:40 A éste levantó Dios al tercer día, e hizo que se manifestase;
10:41 no a todo el pueblo, sino a los testigos que Dios había ordenado de antemano, a nosotros que comimos y bebimos con él después que resucitó de los muertos.
10:42 Y nos mandó que predicásemos al pueblo, y testificásemos que él es el que Dios ha puesto por Juez de vivos y muertos.
10:43 De éste dan testimonio todos los profetas, que todos los que en él creyeren, recibirán perdón de pecados por su nombre.
10:44 Mientras aún hablaba Pedro estas palabras,
10:45 Y los fieles de la circuncisión que habían venido con Pedro se quedaron atónitos de que también sobre los gentiles se derramase el don del Espíritu Santo. (Esto confirma que en PENTECOSTES NO FUERON UNGIDOS LOS GENTILES)
10:46 Porque los oían que hablaban en lenguas, y que magnificaban a Dios.
10:47 Entonces respondió Pedro: ¿Puede acaso alguno impedir el agua, para que no sean bautizados estos que han recibido el Espíritu Santo también como nosotros?
10:48 Y mandó bautizarles en el nombre del Señor Jesús. Entonces le rogaron que se quedase por algunos días.
11:1 Oyeron los apóstoles y los hermanos que estaban en Judea, que también los gentiles habían recibido la palabra de Dios.
11:2 Y cuando Pedro subió a Jerusalén, disputaban con él los que eran de la circuncisión,
11:3 diciendo: ¿Por qué has entrado en casa de hombres incircuncisos, y has comido con ellos?
11:4 Entonces comenzó Pedro a contarles por orden lo sucedido, diciendo:
11:5 Estaba yo en la ciudad de Jope orando, y vi en éxtasis una visión; algo semejante a un gran lienzo que descendía, que por las cuatro puntas era bajado del cielo y venía hasta mí.
11:6 Cuando fijé en él los ojos, consideré y vi cuadrúpedos terrestres, y fieras, y reptiles, y aves del cielo.
11:7 Y oí una voz que me decía: Levántate, Pedro, mata y come.
11:8 Y dije: Señor, no; porque ninguna cosa común o inmunda entró jamás en mi boca.
11:9 Entonces la voz me respondió del cielo por segunda vez: Lo que Dios limpió, no lo llames tú común.
11:10 Y esto se hizo tres veces, y volvió todo a ser llevado arriba al cielo. (Igual que en JUAN 21 cuando JESUCRISTO LE PREGUNTO A PEDRO 3 VECES "ME AMAS")
2. Juan 21:15: Cuando hubieron comido, Jesús dijo a Simón Pedro: Simón, hijo de Jonás, ¿ME AMAS más que éstos? Le respondió: Sí, Señor; tú sabes que te amo. El le dijo: Apacienta mis corderos.

3. Juan 21:16: Volvió a decirle la segunda vez: Simón, hijo de Jonás, ¿ME AMAS? Pedro le respondió: Sí, Señor; tú sabes que te amo. Le dijo: Pastorea mis ovejas.

4. Juan 21:17: Le dijo la tercera vez: Simón, hijo de Jonás, ¿ME AMAS? Pedro se entristeció de que le dijese la tercera vez: ¿ME AMAS? y le respondió: Señor, tú lo sabes todo; tú sabes que te amo. Jesús le dijo: Apacienta mis ovejas.

11:11 Y he aquí, luego llegaron tres hombres a la casa donde yo estaba, enviados a mí desde Cesarea.
11:12 Y el Espíritu me dijo que fuese con ellos sin dudar. Fueron también conmigo estos seis hermanos, y entramos en casa de un varón,
11:13 quien nos contó cómo había visto en su casa un ángel, que se puso en pie y le dijo: Envía hombres a Jope, y haz venir a Simón, el que tiene por sobrenombre Pedro; ("EN PIE" TIENE FUERTE NEXO CON EL UNGIMIENTO DE BETANIA/OSHANAH RABBAH)

11:14 él te hablará palabras por las cuales serás salvo tú, y toda tu casa.
11:15 Y cuando comencé a hablar, cayó el Espíritu Santo sobre ellos también, como sobre nosotros al principio.
11:16 Entonces me acordé de lo dicho por el Señor, cuando dijo: Juan ciertamente bautizó en agua, mas vosotros seréis bautizados con el Espíritu Santo.
11:17 Si Dios, pues, les concedió también el mismo don que a nosotros que hemos creído en el Señor Jesucristo, ¿quién era yo que pudiese estorbar a Dios?
11:18 Entonces, oídas estas cosas, callaron, y glorificaron a Dios, diciendo: ¡De manera que también a los gentiles ha dado Dios arrepentimiento para vida!
11:19 Ahora bien, los que habían sido esparcidos a causa de la persecución que hubo con motivo de Esteban, pasaron hasta Fenicia, Chipre y Antioquía, no hablando a nadie la palabra, sino sólo a los judíos.
11:20 Pero había entre ellos unos varones de Chipre y de Cirene, los cuales, cuando entraron en Antioquía, hablaron también a los griegos, anunciando el evangelio del Señor Jesús.
11:21 Y la mano del Señor estaba con ellos, y gran número creyó y se convirtió al Señor.
11:22 Llegó la noticia de estas cosas a oídos de la iglesia que estaba en Jerusalén; y enviaron a Bernabé que fuese hasta Antioquía.
11:23 Este, cuando llegó, y vio la gracia de Dios, se regocijó, y exhortó a todos a que con propósito de corazón permaneciesen fieles al Señor. (Tabernaculos es la FIESTA DEL REGOCIJO Y LA PROSPERIDAD)
11:24 Porque era varón bueno, y lleno del Espíritu Santo y de fe. Y una gran multitud fue agregada al Señor.
11:25 Después fue Bernabé a Tarso para buscar a Saulo; y hallándole, le trajo a Antioquía.
11:26 Y se congregaron allí todo un año con la iglesia, y enseñaron a mucha gente; y a los discípulos se les llamó cristianos por primera vez en Antioquía.
Haremos nuestro recorrido partiendo del norte hacia el sur. Y nos encontramos al iniciar nuestro camino con el Monte Hermón y los Montes del Líbano, que es donde se orignia el Río Jordán. El Monte Hermon colinda con Siria y al norte con Bamas, manantial de aguas cristalinas, muy cerca de la ciudad de Dan, que después pasó a ser la ciudad de Cesarea de Filipo en honor al Cesar (primeros años del cristianismo).

Respuesta  Mensaje 29 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/09/2011 02:00


By Heather Shaw

23 April 2001

Purple Iris

Spring is here! For many of us, this means a relief from the cold, dark days and snows of winter. As the days lengthen and get warmer, we are greeted by the rebirth of the earth itself: bulbs come up and bloom, filling the air with their heady, tempting fragrance; birds chirp and sing as they return from their winter migrations to build their nests; cats yowl out their urgent readiness for motherhood. All around us are symbols of fertility, growth, warmth and light. It is the perfect time to throw a May Day party or Beltane Festival, to celebrate the end of winter hibernation and to reconnect with your friends and loved ones.

Historic Beltane

Beltane is an old Celtic Fire Ritual which celebrates, at the most fundamental level, the end of winter and the beginning of the warmer, lighter half of the year. It is the counterpart to Samhain, which marks the Pagan New Year and celebrates ancestors and the death of the crops (harvest). Beltane celebrates life. For the Celts, it was a festival that insured fertility and growth.

Beltane is one of the four major Sabbats in the Celtic tradition, the other three being Lammas, Samhain and Imbolc. Beltane's traditional date, May 1st, was chosen as the midway point between the vernal equinox and summer solstice (two of the four minor Sabbats). Due to the change in the earth's axis of rotation over time, this point is now closer to May 5th, and some pagans observe May 5th as "Old Beltane," but the traditional date is still favored.

Beltane, much like Samhain, has changed over the years. Some traditions existed only in a single village, while others were found throughout the culture. It is believed that Beltane is a Celtic reinvention of an even older Roman festival, Floralia, which celebrated the goddess Flora and the flowering of spring. Most major religions have a holiday that marks the coming of spring. The Christian religion celebrates rebirth (or resurrection) on Easter; Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, chicks, and lilies are all pagan symbols of fertility associated with spring, adapted to the Christian tradition. The Hindu religion celebrates Holi, a carnival-like spring festival, dedicated to Krishna or Kama, the God of Pleasure. This festival resembles Beltane, with bonfires being a main focus of the holiday.

Holly Gathering Wood
A maiden gathers wood
for the Beltane fire.

Traditionally, Beltane festivities began days before May 1st or "May Day," when villagers traveled into the woods to gather the nine sacred woods needed to build the Beltane bonfires. The tradition of "May Boughing" or "May Birching" involved young men fastening garlands of greens and flowers on the windows and doors of their prospective ladyloves before the fires are lit Beltane night. As with many Celtic customs, the type of flowers or branches used carried symbolic meaning, and much negotiating and courting could be worked out ahead of time.

Many communities elected a virgin as their "May Queen" to lead marches or songs. To the Celts, she represented the virgin goddess on the eve of her transition from Maiden to Mother. Depending on the time and place, the consort might be named "Jack-in-the-Green" or "Green Man," "May Groom" or "May King." The union of the Queen and her consort symbolized the fertility and rebirth of the world.

The tradition of choosing a symbolic goddess and god as official participants in the Beltane ritual captured Marion Zimmer Bradley's imagination in her novel The Mists of Avalon. In Bradley's retelling of the King Arthur legend, the Beltane celebration is a sacred ritual involving a high-ranking male and female virgin to represent the God and Goddess. The god in this case is called the "King Stag"; he must run through the woods with a pack of deer, followed by his own huntsmen, and only after he has successfully locked antlers with and killed a stag that he can return to the festival and claim his right as consort to the Goddess. Other couples also celebrate in this way, but it is only these two who become the God and Goddess incarnate.

Because the Celtic day started and ended at sundown, the Beltane celebration would begin at sundown on April 30th. After extinguishing all hearth fires in the village, two Beltane fires were lit on hilltops. The villagers would drive their livestock between the fires three times, to cleanse them and insure their fertility in the coming summer, and then put them to summer pasture. Then the human part of the fertility ritual would begin.

As dancing around the bonfires continued through the night, customary standards of social behavior were relaxed. It was expected that young couples would sneak off into a ditch, the woods or, better yet, a recently plowed field for a little testing of the fertility waters. Even after hand-fasting was replaced by the Christian tradition of monogamous marriage, the Beltane ritual continued with a new tradition: all marriage vows were temporarily suspended for the festival of Beltane. Many a priest would lament the number of virgins despoiled on this one night, but the tradition persevered. Babies born from a Beltane union were thought to be blessed by the Goddess herself.

Another use of the Beltane fires was for a purification ritual using a scapegoat or Fool. Special cakes made out of egg, milk and oatmeal, called bannocks, were passed around in a bonnet. One piece of bannock was charred, and whoever chose this piece was the Fool for that year's Beltane; it was believed that any misfortune would fall on the Fool, sparing the rest of the people. It is now generally believed to be a myth that the Fool was ever burned as a human sacrifice; this seems to have stemmed from Christian priests and their attempts to condemn Beltane festivities. Later customs called for the Fool to leap three times through the Beltane fire, and according to earlier customs the Fool was banned from all Beltane activity.

Fairy Queen with Horse

Beltane, like Samhain, is a time when the veil between the worlds is thought to be thin, a time when magic is possible. Whereas Samhain revelers must look out for wandering souls of the dead, Beltane merrymakers must watch for Fairies. Beltane is the night when the queen of the fairies will ride out on her white steed to entice humans away to Faeryland. If you hear the bells of the Fairy Queen's horse, you are advised to look away, so she will pass you by; look at the Queen and your sense alone will not hold you back! Bannocks were also sometimes left for the Fairies, in hopes of winning their favor on this night.

The maypole, which was either a permanent feature or cut in a ceremony during the gathering of the nine sacred woods, was a symbolic union of the God and Goddess. The maypole itself represented the male, a phallus thrust into mother earth, while the ribbons that were wound around it represent the enveloping nature of the woman and her womb. The maypole was usually danced after sunrise, when disheveled men and women would stagger back into town carrying flowers they picked in the forests or fields. The area around the maypole was decorated with the flowers, and then the winding of the ribbons would begin. Sometimes the flowers were put into baskets and left on the doorsteps of people who were too ill or old to attend the Beltane celebrations. In this way, the entire town could participate in the joys of the coming spring.

Beltane Today

Neopagans already are well familiar with Beltane and its accompanying rituals. Some pagan groups have land on which they can host huge Beltane fires, with all-night dancing and frolicking outdoors. A quick look at the current events on Witches Voice around April or May will show many Beltane celebrations throughout the country. Among the offerings this year are Beltaine 2001: A Pagan Odyssey in Oxford, CT; the Mid-Atlantic Beltane Festival in Stanardsville, VA; Edinburgh Beltane in Edinburgh, Scotland; and FPG -- The Rites Of Spring (St. Petersburg, FL). All of these festivals includes a bonfire and a maypole. Most of them are multi-day events, with camping and workshops and general merriment and fun. The outdoor setting of these events makes nature and her flowering in springtime a more central focus to the May Day celebration.

Thunder Dome at Lothlorien
Beltane Morn: Heather and
Holly Shaw in Thunder Dome at
Lothlorien in Needmore, Indiana

One such festival I attended several years ago at Lothlorien in Southern Indiana began with the rattle of chainsaws several days in advance, as the fire-tender prepared his surprises. Many of us were annoyed by this disruption in the lovely woods that covered the land on which we were camped. It was too modern, too technological for our tastes.

When we saw the reason for the chainsaws, most of us forgave the noise. The festival began with the usual smudging at the door of the dome (where each participant is circled by a burning sage stick to cleanse them before they enter the ritual space). On one side of the fire pit was a wide log with a yoni cut out of its middle; the other side held a delicately carved phallus. The fire was struck from flint, and once the kindling had caught more yoni-shaped logs were brought in. We danced around the fire as yoni was stacked upon yoni. Soon a long, narrow piece of wood was brought in, and when it was thrust into the stack of yonis, our dancing reached a fevered pitch. The night went on like this, stack and thrust, and the fire became huge, with towers and castles created out of burning embers. Some chemicals were thrown on the fire, and different colors would streak up from the flames, hovering near the top of the dome. We danced (with some sneaking off to use their own yonis and phalluses) until dawn. As the sun came up, the fire tender picked up the finely carved phallus and lit the spinning firework on the tip. The fire tender held the phallus to his hips as sparks flew off of it and the drums pounded out an irresistible rhythm. As the sparks died down he thrust the carving into the yoni on the fire. Daylight broke over the dome, and the dancers collapsed in spent heaps around the dome, cuddling together for warmth in the morning dew.

Speaking of morning dew, it is traditional to wash your face in the dew of Beltane morning. It is thought that it brings health and luck, and, in the case of young women, guarantees against fading beauty.

Celebrating Beltane

Dancing the Maypole
Maypole dancing at
Mary Anne Mohanraj's house
in Oakland, California.

You don't have to be a Neopagan or have large acres of land to frolic in to celebrate Beltane. In fact, you may have already been a part of a Beltane celebration if you've ever attended a May Day party. Throwing your own Beltane or May Day party is a great way to celebrate the coming spring. These days, a celebration of fertility does not necessarily mean your goals are human reproduction. Perhaps you have a garden that you would like to grow well this season; if you have a private enough yard (and a lover), making love in the garden is a way of honoring and insuring the fertility of the seeds you have planted. Make a wreath of flowers or fragrant herbs -- rosemary is a nice smelling one that tends to grow in abundance -- and weave a wreath for someone you'd like to know better. Or maybe there are projects you'd like to complete, goals you need to reach for, dreams you'd like to see realized. All of these things can benefit from the Beltane celebration of growth and fertility.

Any Beltane party should have as many flowers as you can afford. If you have a garden, or a deck or porch with container gardens, you should include this as part of the party space and make sure you've planted your spring flowers in time for May 1st. Six-packs of spring flowers at your local garden store should run you no more than several dollars (and often less than two), and can add color and life to your Beltane atmosphere. You can even freeze flowers in the ice cubes for your punch. Edible flowers can add a fairy-like feel to your food table at a Beltane party. This site not only lists the types and tastes of edible flowers, but includes a delicious-sounding recipe for a Day-Lily Sorbet.

Any fruit is appropriate for a Beltane spread, especially cherries, figs, mangos, peaches, pomegranates, and apricots, which have all been long associated with sensuality and/or fertility. Spring greens are another healthy way to imply fertility and celebrate springtime. Chocolate and other sweets are always a good means of tempting your guests at any Beltane party.

Ribbons of the Maypole
Temple of Nine Wells-ATC's Maypole
at Derby Wharf, Salem Massachusetts

Dancing a maypole is the most traditional way of celebrating May Day. Go to your local hardware store and buy a 20-foot wood pole (more rural folk can cut it themselves, but be sure to take a moment to honor the tree that gives the sacrifice). Ask your guests to bring their own ribbons, 20 feet in length and about two inches wide, in any color (and be sure to have several extras on hand anyway). At the party, tie all the ribbons to the top of the pole (you may want to buy an eye hook to make this easier) and plant the other end of the pole several feet into the ground. Have everyone form a circle, and count off in twos; have the "ones" face clockwise and the "twos" face counterclockwise. Have everyone grasp their partner's right hand, then pass them by on the right. Now, grasp left hands and pass by on the left. Then right, then left, and so on. Once you've made it once around the circle, pick up your ribbons and begin again, this time weaving your ribbons as you go.

You'll want to have music once you start the actual weaving of the maypole. If you have talented friends who don't mind sitting out the maypole dancing itself (and certainly that's an option, especially if you're superstitious about pregnancy at this time of year), live music is the nicest way to go. This website has some songs that might be appropriate. Singing is good, too; if you choose to sing, you might want to consider sending out lyrics with the invitations, and sing the tune to your friends over the phone. This might be a good way to find out how much you can count on singing to carry the music 'round the maypole, too.

Even if you don't have live music, the technological age makes sure nobody has to sing or miss out in order to have some music. A CD or tape of any Celtic music will do, but I also suggest searching out bands with specific May songs. You can sing along, or just listen and enjoy as you skip around the maypole. "Welcome in the May," by Annwn, is a fun, bouncy song that would be appropriate. It describes a typical old Beltane night:

We were there last night when the dark drew down:
we set the bonfires leaping.
Then we vanished in the heather
and we couldn't be found until the dawn came creeping.

The Hireling Shepherd
Seduction in the meadows;
"The Hireling Shepherd" by William Holman Hunt.

If you have the space and the zoning, have a Beltane fire after sundown. It should be lit from flint or friction, but matches can count as friction too. Again, drumming or singing around the Beltane fire is a traditional way to celebrate Beltane. Go around and talk about things in your life that you want to have grow in the following season. It might be your life's dream of becoming a painter, or your physical activity, or your relationship with a loved one. It might even be a baby you're trying to have; there's no better time than Beltane to ask the gods for fertility!

Later, if people sneak off, make sure that the fire is not left unattended. If this is likely to happen at your party, you may think about researching different ways to handle that kind of party. Or, perhaps, you can wait until after the party, when you can frolic naked with your loved one(s) in private. This is certainly my favorite, and probably the most appropriate, way to end Beltane. And you may find, with the leaping fire and the well-wrapped maypole urging you on, it is inevitable; as the Annwn chorus goes:

Did it get a little warm around the fire last night?
Were the flames a little higher than they had the right?
Was your breath a little heavy and your dress a little tight
and the moon too bright for sleeping?


Reader Comments

Respuesta  Mensaje 30 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/09/2011 15:58
Apocalipsis 22:16: Yo Jesús he enviado mi ángel para daros testimonio de estas cosas en las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el linaje de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la MAÑANA. (22:1+6 O 22/7=3.14=PI/PI-RAMIDE/PYRAMID/MARY)

Plate 13: Artist's impression (courtesy : Ano Cero © )

Had the placing of the capstone ceremony taken place, the whole event would have been a spectacular "reunion" of Sirius and its symbol to mark the new millennium. For as seen from the north face of the Great Pyramid and in alignment with the North-South axis (i.e. along the meridian), the star Sirius would appear to hover on top of the summit of the pyramid at precisely midnight on the 31st December, as if to urge us that its principal symbol, the golden capstone, has been missing for far too long. In many esoteric traditions the capstone of the Great Pyramid, and more especially its return to the summit of the Great Pyramid, will signal the return of the 'great initiate' which, according to some prophecies, such as those of Edgar Cayce, signifies the return of the Christ. Many have argued that the true start of the new millennium is, in fact, 31st December 2000. If so, then the Egyptian authorities still have another opportunity to perform this powerful and evoking ceremony. What better signal than the ancient star of 'divine rebirth' seen hovering over the golden capstone on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza to symbolise the start of a new spiritual age for Humankind.

Plate 13: Sirius A and its "companion" Sirius B (the small spot to the left)

Psalm 22:11-23

11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.

12 Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.13 They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion .

14 I am poured out like water , and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet .17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.19 But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.

20 Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog .21 Save me from the lion's mouth : for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns . 22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee . 23 Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel.

This is a forceful witness of the lord's crucifixion as Psalm 22:1 and 22:18 directly attest, being quoted in all the gospels, [ Matt. 27:3, 46, Mk. 15:24,34 Lk. 23:34, John 19:24 ]. We have found references to the four cardinal points of the horizon in Numbers 23:21-24, 24:1-9 . They are listed with specific mention of the "strength of a unicorn" the [reem], in reference to Taurus the Bull, Leo the great Lion and Aquarius the water bearer, whose seed was poured out of many buckets . In the 22nd Psalm we find the same references with some important differences. The context of Numbers 23-24 refers to Balaam's prophecy of the coming promised seed, whose glory is referenced in Numbers 23:21, 24:8 . The "shout of a king" was certainly among the seed of Jacob, who would "eat up the nations of his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows." This refers to his triumphant return as the King of kings, the mighty conquering judge that no element of darkness will ever withstand. We find this image of the Lord clearly expressed in the sign Sagittarius seen in the arrows of Numbers 24:8 . We will cover this in greater detail in our look at Sagittarius next. The context of the 22nd Psalm however is the suffering of the Lord at his crucifixion and death. This was the height of the enemy's hour, who holds the power of the sting of death. It was the agents of the evil one who crucified the Lord, both the spiritual agents embodied in the "four winds" of the host of heaven and the human agents, or the circling dogs, ravening lions and gaping bulls who surrounded him bringing about his tortured death. These human agents of the evil one are pictured with the enlivened astrological faces of their false ensigns, bringing the desires of their evil father to pass in the world. In the midst of this assembly of the wicked was Jesus Christ who was poured out like water, a reference to his holy sacrificial offering, as he selflessly endured the excruciating pain of his death, laying down his life as the essence of Israel's High Priest. The end result of his ultimate sacrifice brought the "all truth" of "the Comforter" of John 16:7 , the gift of holy spirit that became available as a result of the New Birth, seen for the first time on the day of Pentecost. This is the liquid seed that was poured out of the bucket known in the stars as Aquarius' Urn , the living waters that truly quench men's souls, seen in Numbers 24:7. Even as these agents of the enemy encircled the Lord, bringing about his sufferings, these shadows of the Cherubim are bold in defiance of the Son of the Living God, infused with the four dark winds of the cardinal points, activating the power of the dog [ Ps. 22:20 ], as the fullness of the evil desires of the lord of darkness. The double meaning of these related passages of Scripture becomes clear as we take a closer look at the word for " wicked " in the 16th verse of Psalm 22. Lets take a detailed look at this word and its Hebrew root employed in Job 38 .

The following is a reference note in Revised English Version of the Bible on the "Dog-star" in Job 38:13 & 15 . 1 This is translated as "the wicked" in the majority of other versions, thus on the surface "Dog-star" does not seem to fit in Job 38 , but as we allow God's Word to speak for itself we will uncover some long obscured and priceless gems of truth. To clarify this lets look at a marginal note in the Companion Bible, 2 where it says "the wicked" is the same as "lawless" [* H7561 , rasha]. In both Job 38:13 & 15 , the Hebrew letter "ayin" is suspended, without it the word means "head, top, cheif" [* H7222 , rosh]. With "Ayin" supplied it is "the wicked." All the ancient versions and early printed editions read "the Lawless."
In Bullinger's related note on Judges 18:30 , in reference to "Mannasseh" the letter "nun" is suspended, written partly in the line and partly above the line, to show that originally it formed no part of the word, but was put in to make it spell "Mannasseh" instead of "Moses." This was done for two reasons, first to spare the honor of Moses memory and name and secondly, to put sin upon one [Mannasseh] who committed so gross a sin. The Authorized Version follows the Septuagint & Chaldee by putting "Mannasseh" in the text; while the Revised Version follows the Latin Vulgate and those codices and early editions, which have "nun" suspended, by putting "Moses" in the text and "Mannasseh" in the margin. 3
[ emphasis mine ]
If the usage of this suspended letter " ayin " in Job 38 follows suit with " nun " Judges 18 , then "originally it formed no part of the word," and should properly read " rosh " instead of " rasha ". This would change the text from the wicked or lawless to "head, chief, prince, leader, point, top, first rank, the highest, supreme." From the astronomical viewpoint evident in the Revised English Version of Job 38 , this etymology is enlightening because the in Egypt's Denderah zodiac , the star Sirius or Canis Major, the Dog-star is called " Apes " which means " the head ". Since the Dog-star is the brightest star in all the heavens from earth's perspective, the meaning of the " head or prince " is a precise fit. This " prince of the Heavenly host " was also referred to in the sacred books of Persia as " Tistar, " the " Chieftain of the East." This is not only a symbol of the sunrise embodied in the new light of the world, but it also refers to the Pyramid's capstone or " Chief cornerstone, " [ Ps. 118:22, Eph. 2:20, 5:23 ] as it catches the first rays of the dawn and sunrise of a new day. In Zech. 4:7 "headstone"- *H7222 [ roshah ] from rosh *H7218 means the "topmost stone at the corner." We will see this concept fully developed Biblical Astronomy of the Great Pyramid . We have seen this as a recurring theme of our study of the celestial signs surrounding the birth of Christ. The fact that Lucifer was the original light of the world, the "faithful witness in Heaven," [ Ps. 89:36-37, Mal. 4:2 ] and Sirius , the brightest star in the Heavens, shows us a correlation to the first bright and morning star, as the original sun of the First Heaven and Earth. This reflects an early time when the celestial calendars of 360-day sacred solar year and 365.25-day Sirius- Sothic Calendar were running in synch, before Lucifer attempted his coup in heaven. As the angel of light, all temporal matters and the timekeeping of all Creation ran under his watch. After he was cast down however, there was a needed a separation between what had become profaned, in the fallen Lucifer and what would remain sacred and holy in the coming promised seed, the rising light of the world, embodied in the sun. It is this powerful truth that is reflected in the suspended letter "ayin" in the Hebrew, revealing a double truth related to the star Sirius as a symbol of Lucifer, the original embodiment of the bright and morning star. Before his revolt and fall from his position as the head (rosh) of Creation, he was the "head, chief, prince, leader, point, top, first rank, the highest, supreme." However once iniquity was found in him [ Ezek. 28:15 ], he became "the lawless," [Heb.-rasha] the wicked one. He is the embodiment of the activation of the principle of evil [ra'a], also understood in the spiritual Entropy of his original sin, the incept point of all darkness. This would also explain the extremely negative mythological connotations of Sirius . Burnham's states: "In the ancient Greek and Roman world, the influence of Sirius was regarded as extremely unfortunate, as the allusion to the wrathful Achilles in the Iliad would seem to suggest. In Virgil's Aeneid we read of the Dog Star, that burning constellation, when he brings drought & disease on sickly mortals, rises and saddens the sky with inauspicious light." 4



Respuesta  Mensaje 31 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/09/2011 16:56
20:1 Sucedió un día, que enseñando Jesús al pueblo en el templo, y anunciando el evangelio, llegaron los principales sacerdotes y los escribas, con los ancianos,
20:2 y le hablaron diciendo: Dinos: ¿con qué autoridad haces estas cosas? ¿o quién es el que te ha dado esta autoridad?
20:3 Respondiendo Jesús, les dijo: Os haré yo también una pregunta; respondedme:
20:4 El bautismo de Juan, ¿era del cielo, o de los hombres?
20:5 Entonces ellos discutían entre sí, diciendo: Si decimos, del cielo, dirá: ¿Por qué, pues, no le creísteis?
20:6 Y si decimos, de los hombres, todo el pueblo nos apedreará; porque están persuadidos de que Juan era profeta.
20:7 Y respondieron que no sabían de dónde fuese.
20:8 Entonces Jesús les dijo: Yo tampoco os diré con qué autoridad hago estas cosas.
20:9 Comenzó luego a decir al pueblo esta parábola: Un hombre plantó una viña, la arrendó a labradores, y se ausentó por mucho tiempo.
20:10 Y a su tiempo envió un siervo a los labradores, para que le diesen del fruto de la viña; pero los labradores le golpearon, y le enviaron con las manos vacías.
20:11 Volvió a enviar otro siervo; mas ellos a éste también, golpeado y afrentado, le enviaron con las manos vacías.
20:12 Volvió a enviar un tercer siervo; mas ellos también a éste echaron fuera, herido.
20:13 Entonces el señor de la viña dijo: ¿Qué haré? Enviaré a mi hijo amado; quizás cuando le vean a él, le tendrán respeto. (Aunque en esta PARABOLA claramente JESUCRISTO esta haciendo una referencia a su sacrificio, la expresion "MI HIJO AMADO/DISCIPULO AMADO deja una puerta abierta a un futuro mesias que no hay que descartar)
20:14 Mas los labradores, al verle, discutían entre sí, diciendo: Este es el heredero; venid, matémosle, para que la heredad sea nuestra.
20:15 Y le echaron fuera de la viña, y le mataron. ¿Qué, pues, les hará el señor de la viña?
20:16 Vendrá y destruirá a estos labradores, y dará su viña a otros.Cuando ellos oyeron esto, dijeron: ¡Dios nos libre!
20:17 Pero él, mirándolos, dijo: ¿Qué, pues, es lo que está escrito: La piedra que desecharon los edificadores Ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo?


Génesis 28:22: Y esta PIEDRA que he puesto por señal, será casa de Dios; y de todo lo que me dieres, el diezmo apartaré para ti.
164. Salmos 118:22: La PIEDRA que desecharon los edificadores
Ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
244. Mateo 21:42: Jesús les dijo: ¿Nunca leísteis en las Escrituras:
La PIEDRA que desecharon los edificadores,
Ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
El Señor ha hecho esto,
Y es cosa maravillosa a nuestros ojos?

245. Mateo 21:44: Y el que cayere sobre esta PIEDRA será quebrantado; y sobre quien ella cayere, le desmenuzará.
281. Hechos 4:11: Este Jesús es la PIEDRA reprobada por vosotros los edificadores, la cual ha venido a ser cabeza del ángulo.
288. Efesios 2:20: edificados sobre el fundamento de los apóstoles y profetas, siendo la principal PIEDRA del ángulo Jesucristo mismo,

289. 1 Pedro 2:4: Acercándoos a él, PIEDRA viva, desechada ciertamente por los hombres, mas para Dios escogida y preciosa,

290. 1 Pedro 2:5: vosotros también, como PIEDRAs vivas, sed edificados como casa espiritual y sacerdocio santo, para ofrecer sacrificios espirituales aceptables a Dios por medio de Jesucristo.

291. 1 Pedro 2:6: Por lo cual también contiene la Escritura:
He aquí, pongo en Sion la principal PIEDRA del ángulo, escogida, preciosa;
Y el que creyere en él, no será avergonzado.

292. 1 Pedro 2:7: Para vosotros, pues, los que creéis, él es precioso; pero para los que no creen, La PIEDRA que los edificadores desecharon, Ha venido a ser la cabeza del ángulo;

293. 1 Pedro 2:8: y:
PIEDRA de tropiezo, y roca que hace caer, porque tropiezan en la palabra, siendo desobedientes; a lo cual fueron también destinados.

20:18 Todo el que cayere sobre aquella piedra, será quebrantado; mas sobre quien ella cayere, le desmenuzará.
20:19 Procuraban los principales sacerdotes y los escribas echarle mano en aquella hora, porque comprendieron que contra ellos había dicho esta parábola; pero temieron al pueblo.
20:20 Y acechándole enviaron espías que se simulasen justos, a fin de sorprenderle en alguna palabra, para entregarle al poder y autoridad del gobernador.
20:21 Y le preguntaron, diciendo: Maestro, sabemos que dices y enseñas rectamente, y que no haces acepción de persona, sino que enseñas el camino de Dios con verdad.
20:22 ¿Nos es lícito dar tributo a César, o no?
20:23 Mas él, comprendiendo la astucia de ellos, les dijo: ¿Por qué me tentáis?
20:24 Mostradme la moneda. ¿De quién tiene la imagen y la inscripción? Y respondiendo dijeron: De César.
20:25 Entonces les dijo: Pues dad a César lo que es de César, y a Dios lo que es de Dios.
Apocalipsis 22:16: Yo Jesús he enviado mi ángel para daros testimonio de estas cosas en las iglesias. Yo soy la raíz y el linaje de David, la estrella resplandeciente de la MAÑANA. (22:1+6 O 22/7=3.14=PI/PI-RAMIDE/PYRAMID/MARY) (EL OJO OMNISCIENTE QUE ESTA EN LA PIRAMIDE TRUNCADA ES el lucero de la mañana, osea SIRIO (SIR en ingles deriva del mismo). Esto confirma desde otra perspectiva que CUANDO NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO EN MATEO 16:18, NUMERO DE ORO PHI, ubicado en CESAREA DE FILIPO, ubicado en la antigua tribu DE DAN(JUSTICIA PARA LA VIUDA),  hace referencia a la PIEDRA NO HAY QUE DESCARTAR DE NINGUNA MANERA QUE ESTABA HACIENDO REFERENCIA AL SANTO GRIAL QUE ES LA PIEDRA FILOSOFAL DE LA ALQUIMIA DE LA ESCALERA DE JACOB OBVIAMENTE POR LA FUERTE RELACION ENTRE PEDRO CON JUAN MARCOS, EL HIJO DE NUESTRO SEÑOR Y MARIA MAGDALENA DESGRACIADAMENTE OCULTADO POR LA IGLESIA)
The Babylonian "Sar" is doubtlessly related to the Hebrew word [*H8269] of the same spelling, meaning; "prince, captain, chief, ruler, leader, head." The word has retained this meaning even in modern usage, as in the Tsar of all the Russias. As a testimony to what may have been based on the first human language, "Aesar" is a word for "God" in both, Icelandic and Irish, "Osar" in Egypt like "Osiris" was the prince. The English word "sir" and the Roman "Ceasars" are also traceable to this root. It is used in Daniel 10:13 & 20, referring the archangel Michael who dispatched the fallen angel (Daimon) who opposed the messenger angel that God sent to answer Daniel's prayer. In Isaiah 9:6, one of the great prophecies of the promised seed, it is used of the Messiah as Sar-Shalom; the Prince of Peace, the one who brings peace to all Creation [Eph. 2:11-18]. It is additionally used of Prince Moses in Exodus 2:16.

   According to Hislop, The Chaldean version of this word; "Zer," meaning "to encompass" gives us not only the English basis for: "Zero signified by a circle among the Chaldeans," but also Zero; "the seed." Further, it relates to the Hebrew word zera [*H2233] used in reference to the promised seed in Genesis 3:15. To this end the Chaldean word for the "woman's promised seed" was "Zero-ashta," that also formed the basis of the name Zoroaster. We should note that in the writings of Zoroastrianism in the Zend-Avesta, the predicted return of Zoroaster as a savior who would renew all existence in preparation for the Last Judgment, was prophesied. These references to the woman's promised seed point directly to the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. Hislop also notes:

"In almost all nations, not only was a great god known under the name of Zero or Zer; the seed, and a great goddess under the name of Ashta or Ishta; the woman, but the great god Zero is frequently characterized by some epithet which implies that he is The only One." 3

   This evidence provides a strong basis for a direct correlation to the decan Coma, the seed who was the desired of the nations, especially when we view the supernova in this child's head [pictured below from the Dendera zodiac] who was the promised seed, during the general sign of the Celestial Prelude. The implication that the promised seed of the woman would be the only one, speaks to the truth that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, or the first and last way God made available for the redemption of Mankind. Hislop goes on to say: "As he who by the Chaldeans was regarded as the great Seed was looked upon as the Sun incarnate, and as the emblem of the Sun was a circle, the hieroglyphic relation between zero; "the circle," and zero; "the seed" was easily established."4


20:26 Y no pudieron sorprenderle en palabra alguna delante del pueblo, sino que maravillados de su respuesta, callaron.

Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/10/2011 03:31
32:1 Jacob siguió su camino, y le salieron al encuentro ángeles de Dios.
32:2 Y dijo Jacob cuando los vio: Campamento de Dios es este; y llamó el nombre de aquel lugar Mahanaim.
32:3 Y envió Jacob mensajeros delante de sí a Esaú su hermano, a la tierra de Seir, campo de Edom.
32:4 Y les mandó diciendo: Así diréis a mi señor Esaú: Así dice tu siervo Jacob: Con Labán he morado, y me he detenido hasta ahora;
32:5 y tengo vacas, asnos, ovejas, y siervos y siervas; y envío a decirlo a mi señor, para hallar gracia en tus ojos.
32:6 Y los mensajeros volvieron a Jacob, diciendo: Vinimos a tu hermano Esaú, y él también viene a recibirte, y cuatrocientos hombres con él.
32:7 Entonces Jacob tuvo gran temor, y se angustió; y distribuyó el pueblo que tenía consigo, y las ovejas y las vacas y los camellos, en dos campamentos.
32:8 Y dijo: Si viene Esaú contra un campamento y lo ataca, el otro campamento escapará.
32:9 Y dijo Jacob: Dios de mi padre Abraham, y Dios de mi padre Isaac, Jehová, que me dijiste: Vuélvete a tu tierra y a tu parentela, y yo te haré bien;
32:10 menor soy que todas las misericordias y que toda la verdad que has usado para con tu siervo; pues con mi cayado pasé este Jordán, y ahora estoy sobre dos campamentos.
32:11 Líbrame ahora de la mano de mi hermano, de la mano de Esaú, porque le temo; no venga acaso y me hiera la madre con los hijos.
32:12 Y tú has dicho: Yo te haré bien, y tu descendencia será como la arena del mar, que no se puede contar por la multitud.
32:13 Y durmió allí aquella noche, y tomó de lo que le vino a la mano un presente para su hermano Esaú:
32:14 doscientas cabras y veinte machos cabríos, doscientas ovejas y veinte carneros,
32:15 treinta camellas paridas con sus crías, cuarenta vacas y diez novillos, veinte asnas y diez borricos.
32:16 Y lo entregó a sus siervos, cada manada de por sí; y dijo a sus siervos: Pasad delante de mí, y poned espacio entre manada y manada.
32:17 Y mandó al primero, diciendo: Si Esaú mi hermano te encontrare, y te preguntare, diciendo: ¿De quién eres? ¿y adónde vas? ¿y para quién es esto que llevas delante de ti?
32:18 entonces dirás: Es un presente de tu siervo Jacob, que envía a mi señor Esaú; y he aquí también él viene tras nosotros.
32:19 Mandó también al segundo, y al tercero, y a todos los que iban tras aquellas manadas, diciendo: Conforme a esto hablaréis a Esaú, cuando le hallareis.
32:20 Y diréis también: He aquí tu siervo Jacob viene tras nosotros. Porque dijo: Apaciguaré su ira con el presente que va delante de mí, y después veré su rostro; quizá le seré acepto.
32:21 Pasó, pues, el presente delante de él; y él durmió aquella noche en el campamento.
32:22 Y se levantó aquella noche, y tomó sus dos mujeres, y sus dos siervas, y sus once hijos, y pasó el vado de Jaboc.
32:23 Los tomó, pues, e hizo pasar el arroyo a ellos y a todo lo que tenía.
32:24 Así se quedó Jacob solo; y luchó con él un varón hasta que rayaba el alba. (Aqui se esta haciendo referencia a SIRIO, el LUCERO DE LA MAÑANA. EL ORTO HELIACO DE SIRIO ES CUANDO SE LO VE A SIRIO PREVIAMENTE A LA SALIDA DEL SOL)
32:25 Y cuando el varón vio que no podía con él, tocó en el sitio del encaje de su muslo, y se descoyuntó el muslo de Jacob mientras con él luchaba.
32:26 Y dijo: Déjame, porque raya el alba. Y Jacob le respondió: No te dejaré, si no me bendices.
32:27 Y el varón le dijo: ¿Cuál es tu nombre? Y él respondió: Jacob.
32:28 Y el varón le dijo: No se dirá más tu nombre Jacob, sino Israel; porque has luchado con Dios y con los hombres, y has vencido. (ISRAEL ES SINONIMO DE SIRIO, EL LUCERO DE LA MAÑANA)
32:29 Entonces Jacob le preguntó, y dijo: Declárame ahora tu nombre. Y el varón respondió: ¿Por qué me preguntas por mi nombre? Y lo bendijo allí.
32:30 Y llamó Jacob el nombre de aquel lugar, Peniel; porque dijo: Vi a Dios cara a cara, y fue librada mi alma. (Compare con APOCALIPSIS 22:5. ES OBVIO EL CONTEXTO DE APOCALIPSIS 22:16 CON SIRIO/ISRAEL/JACOB)

32:32 Por esto no comen los hijos de Israel, hasta hoy día, del tendón que se contrajo, el cual está en el encaje del muslo; porque tocó a Jacob este sitio de su muslo en el tendón que se contrajo.

Respuesta  Mensaje 33 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2011 17:33

On the dollar bill, the great seal of the United States of America displays 12 levels of pyramid from the 1776 foundation level. A perfect 33% of an hour has 19 minutes and 47 seconds (.33 X 60 = 19.8, .8 x 60 = 47). Accordingly, each level of pyramid represents a generation of 19.47 years.

12 x 19.47 = 233.64 years

If you use May 1st, 1776 as the start date of the countdown; you begin to see temporal destiny unfold before your eyes…
In 1776, there were 31 days in January, 29 days in February, 31 days in March and 30 days in April. The sum of days for these months is 121, making May 1st the 122nd day of 1776.

5/1/1776 = day 122

122 / 365 = 0.33 = 33% of 1776

May 1st, 1776 was chosen for more than one reason as a founding date. So now we may calculate the exact end date for the capstone to crown the pyramid…


1776.33 + 233.64 = 2009.97

0.97 X 365 = 354.05 day of 2009

365 – 354 = 11 days before the end of 12/31/09

The 233.64 year countdown from 1776.33 (May 1st or 33%) completes the day of December 20th of 2009!!

Therefore I present you with the Omega Point of the Great Seal Countdown: The Winter Solstice of this year!!

That’s right- 12/21/2009

Exactly 3 years to the day of the ominous and fateful 12/21/2012 -which we also know is a Winter Solstice.

A 3-year period?

It seems 12/21 of this year will be a fateful day, but what does it hold in store for the world?!

I submit to you that this day may be reserved for a King’s Coronation…

Respuesta  Mensaje 34 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/10/2011 17:35
Codex Bruchsal and Vesica Piscis
Lion as Leo, Bull as Taurus, Man as aquarius and the eagle as Scorpius  

Respuesta  Mensaje 35 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/10/2011 17:18
49:22 Rama fructífera es José,Rama fructífera junto a una fuente, Cuyos vástagos se extienden sobre el muro.
49:23 Le causaron amargura, Le asaetearon, Y le aborrecieron los arqueros;
49:24 Mas su arco se mantuvo poderoso, Y los brazos de sus manos se fortalecieron Por las manos del Fuerte de Jacob (Por el nombre del Pastor, la Roca de Israel),
Gen 49:24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:)
Verse # = 1498   |   Words = 13   |   Letters = 52
Data from Strong's Concordance
KJV Hebrew Strong's # Value
But his bow קשת 800
abode ישב 312
in strength, איתן 461
and the arms זרוע 283
of his hands יד 14
were made strong פזז 94
by the hands יד 14
of the mighty אביר 213
God of Jacob; יעקב 182
(from thence is the shepherd, רעה 275
the stone אבן 53
of Israel:) ישראל 541
Total = 4111
Original Text
Hebrew Value Inc
ותשב 708
באיתן 463
קשתו 806
ויפזו 109
זרעי 287
ידיו 30
מידי 64
אביר 213
יעקב 182
משם 380
רעה 275
אבן 53
ישראל 541

See the following link for more information

También les refirió Jesús una parábola sobre la necesidad de orar siempre, y no desmayar,
18:2 diciendo: Había en una ciudad un juez, que ni temía a Dios, ni respetaba a hombre.
18:3 Había también en aquella ciudad
una viuda, la cual venía a él, diciendo: Hazme justicia de mi adversario.
18:4 Y él no quiso por algún tiempo; pero después de esto dijo dentro de sí: Aunque ni temo a Dios, ni tengo respeto a hombre,
18:5 sin embargo, porque
esta viuda me es molesta, le haré justicia, no sea que viniendo de continuo, me agote la paciencia.
18:6 Y dijo el Señor: Oíd lo que dijo el juez injusto.
18:7 ¿Y acaso Dios no hará justicia a sus escogidos, que claman a él día y noche? ¿Se tardará en responderles?
18:8 Os digo que pronto
les hará justicia. Pero cuando venga el Hijo del Hombre, ¿hallará fe en la tierra?
55. Mateo 23:14: ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas! porque devoráis las casas de las VIUDAs, y como pretexto hacéis largas oraciones; por esto recibiréis mayor condenación.


56. Marcos 12:40: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones. Estos recibirán mayor condenación.
65. Lucas 20:47: que devoran las casas de las VIUDAs, y por pretexto hacen largas oraciones; éstos recibirán mayor condenación.
¿"Devoran la casas de las viudas" no es una alusion a que devoran la casa/linaje de la viuda? ¿Porque Jesucristo incluso relaciona la viuda con JUAN MARCOS en Hechos 12:12?
1. Hechos 12:12: Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre MARCOS, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
1. Isaías 56:7: yo los llevaré a mi santo monte, y los recrearé en mi casa de oración; sus holocaustos y sus sacrificios serán aceptos sobre mi altar; porque mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todos los pueblos.

2. Mateo 21:13: y les dijo: Escrito está: Mi casa, casa de oración será llamada; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.

3. Marcos 11:17: Y les enseñaba, diciendo: ¿No está escrito: Mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todas las naciones? Mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.

4. Lucas 19:46: diciéndoles: Escrito está: Mi casa es casa de oración; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.

Éxodo 20:17: No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la MUJER de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo.



 בָּנָה baná; raíz prim.; construir (lit y fig.):-albañil, canterón, poner cimientos, construir, edificador, edificar, edificio, fabricar, fortificar, hacer, tener hijo, labrar, levantar, maestro, obra, poner, properar, reedificar, reparar, restablecer, restaurar.



En el pensamiento tradicional judío, tener un hijo está asociado con construir una casa y levantar el nombre de la familia. En el Salmo (Tehilim) 2:6-7, el Mesías Regio judío es llamado el Hijo de Di-s, según está escrito:

"Yo he puesto mi rey sobre Sión, mi santo monte. Yo publicaré el decreto [uno de los pasos para la entronización del rey judío>; el Señor me ha dicho: Mi hijo eres tú; Yo te engendré hoy."

En Hechos 13:33, confirma el Salmo (Tehilim) 2:6-7 está hablando sobre el Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús, según está escrito:

"La cual Dios ha cumplido a los hijos de ellos, a nosotros, resucitando a Jesús; como está escrito también en el salmo segundo: Mi hijo eres tú, yo te he engendrado hoy."

En la Mikvá (inmersión/bautismo) del Mesías (Mashíaj) judío Yeshúa/Jesús, una voz (kol) del cielo habló a Yeshúa/Jesús y le llamó el Hijo de Di-s. En Mateo (Matityahu) 3:13, 16-17 está escrito:

"Entonces Jesús vino de Galilea a Juan [Yojanán el Inmersor> al Jordán, para ser bautizado por él…y Jesús, después que fue bautizado, subió luego del agua; y he aquí los cielos le fueron abiertos, y vio al Espíritu de Dios [Rúaj HaKódesh> que descendía como paloma, y venía sobre él. Y hubo una voz que decía: Este es mi Hijo amado [Salmo 2:7>, en quien tengo complacencia."

Una vez más, en el pensamiento tradicional judío, tener un hijo está asociado con construir una casa. Esta verdad se puede comprender de la lengua hebrea misma. La palabra hebrea para hijo es "ben." Es la palabra 1121 de Strong en la Concordancia Hebrea. Hijo o ben en hebreo significa "un hijo o constructor del nombre de la familia." Hijo o ben en hebreo viene de la palabra 1129 que es la palabra hebrea "Baná" que significa "construir." La palabra hebrea para casa es, beit, Es la palabra 1004 de Strong. La palabra hebrea para casa, beit, también viene de la palabra hebrea "baná" que significa "construir." Por lo tanto, la lengua hebrea nos comunica que tener un hijo está asociado con construir una casa o levantar el nombre de la familia. Esta verdad espiritual se puede ver en la Torá en el libro de Deuteronomio (Devarim) 25:5-9, según está escrito:

"Cuando hermanos habitaren juntos, y muriere alguno de ellos, y no tuviere hijo, la mujer del muerto no se casará fuera con hombre extraño; su cuñado se llegará a ella, y la tomará por su mujer, y hará con ella parentesco. Y el primogénito que ella diere a luz sucederá en el nombre de su hermano muerto, para que el nombre de éste no sea borrado de Israel. Y si el hombre no quisiere tomar a su cuñada, irá entonces su cuñada a la puerta, a los ancianos, y dirá: Mi cuñado no quiere suscitar nombre en Israel a su hermano; no quiere emparentar conmigo. Entonces los ancianos de aquella ciudad lo harán venir, y hablarán con él; y si él se levantare y dijere: No quiero tomarla, se acercará entonces su cuñada a él delante de los ancianos, y le quitará el calzado del pie, y le escupirá en el rostro, y hablará y dirá: Así será hecho al varón que no quiere edificar la casa de su hermano."

Se puede ver también en Rut 4:11 que tener un hijo está asociado con levantar una casa. Las dos madres terrenales de las dos casas de Israel Raquel y Lea, compitieron entre ellas sobre tener hijos para edificar la casa de Jacob. En Rut 4:11 está escrito:

"Y dijeron todos los del pueblo que estaban a la puerta con los ancianos: Testigos somos. El Señor haga a la mujer que entra en tu casa como a Raquel y Lea, las cuales edificaron la casa de Israel; y tú seas ilustre en Efrata, y seas de renombre en Belén." 



Respuesta  Mensaje 36 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/10/2011 18:49
The Great Seal of the United States of America

The Great Seal, adapted from an image on GreatSeal.com

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Psalm 133:12

The Great Seal of the United States of America employs traditional symbols of heraldry This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window to tell the story of the foundation and the hopes of the fledgling nation. The origins and meanings of the symbols are explained, for the most part, in the official document This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window (PDF format) supplied by the U.S. State Department This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window. Additional details are found on John D. MacArthur's excellent site GreatSeal.com This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window.

The Great Seal is used to seal 2,000 to 3,000 documents each year. It identifies the authority and ensures the authenticity of the documents sealed by the United States Government. As such, it provides an apt analogy of the Bible Wheel as God's Divine Seal of Approval on the structure of the Bible, the fundamental founding document of the Christian Faith.

The Great Seal was designed to explicitly acknowledge God's hand in the foundation of the United States, as stated in the official description This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window (page 12) of the reverse side of the Seal:

The pyramid signifies strength and duration: The eye over it and the motto, Annuit Coeptis (He [God] has favored our undertakings), allude to the many interventions of Providence in favor of the American cause. The date underneath is that of the Declaration of Independence and the words under it, Novus Ordo Seclorum (A new order of the ages), signify the beginning of the new American era in 1776.

The "many interventions of Providence" include the integration of the numbers, mottos, and geometric forms of the Great Seal with God's design of the Holy Bible and His intent for the new nation. Regardless of the theological variations amongst the founding fathers, every signer of the Declaration of Independence This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window, to a man, placed his life and sacred honor in the hands of Divine Providence, as recorded in the last sentence of that great document:

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

The online article Religion and the Founding of America This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window provided by the Library of Congress This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window provides more insight into the true Christian character of the members of the early Congress:

The Continental-Confederation Congress, a legislative body that governed the United States from 1774 to 1789, contained an extraordinary number of deeply religious men. The amount of energy that Congress invested in encouraging the practice of religion in the new nation exceeded that expended by any subsequent American national government. Although the Articles of Confederation did not officially authorize Congress to concern itself with religion, the citizenry did not object to such activities. This lack of objection suggests that both the legislators and the public considered it appropriate for the national government to promote a nondenominational, nonpolemical Christianity.

Congress appointed chaplains for itself and the armed forces, sponsored the publication of a Bible, imposed Christian morality on the armed forces, and granted public lands to promote Christianity among the Indians. National days of thanksgiving and of "humiliation, fasting, and prayer" were proclaimed by Congress at least twice a year throughout the war.

These are the men used of God to found this nation. Three of them were also commissioned by the newly formed Continental Congress to design the Great Seal. Before they adjourned on July 4, 1776, Congress passed this resolution:

Resolved, that Dr. Franklin, Mr. J. Adams and Mr. Jefferson, be a committee, to bring in a device for a seal for the United States of America.

Truly, the Lord's hand was on the foundation of this great country, this City on a Hill, this Beacon of Light, Life, and Liberty to all the peoples of the world! America is the Land of the Free because of the freedom wrought by Christ, our Eternal Light. May His Light shine on us forevermore!

A Radiant Constellation of Thirteen Stars

The beautiful mystery of God's hidden hand on the foundation of America, the design of the Great Seal, and the structure of the Bible manifests most clearly in the Number 13. Seven features of the Great Seal are based on this number which, in natural terms, alludes to nothing more than the original thirteen colonies. If God had no hand in these events, the number of colonies would be nothing but a mere accident of history and there would be no meaning to be found in it. It is here that the glory of God shines with great clarity, leaving little doubt about His involvement in the birth of the nation.

The biblical meaning of the Number 13 has been rigorously established by God in the reiterative structure of the Shema, the first and greatest commandment given in Deuteronomy 6:4 (cf. The Unity Holograph and Shield of the Blessed Trinity). The root ideas are Love and Unity, as seen in this fundamental pair of alphanumeric identities:




= 13 =





The Bible calls Love "the perfect bond of unity" (Colossians 3:14, NASB). The digits One and Three reiterate the idea of the One Triune God, Who is represented by the Eye in the Triangle above the unfinished pyramid. The Triangle is an ancient Christian symbol for the Trinity, and the Eye denotes God's omniscience. It is called the "Eye of Providence" in the official State Departments description of the Seal. The relation between the Three members of the Godhead is the root ontological source of Love in the Universe. These ideas find their ultimate expression in the greatest declaration of the nature of Love ever written, the thirteen verses of I Corinthians Thirteen, where the thirteenth verses is itself explicitly built on a pattern of One and Three.

In God We Trust from the back of the One Dollar BillAll of this was historically illustrated in the foundation of the United States when thirteen colonies united to form one nation under God. This means that the premier biblical number of Unity - the Number 13 - was historically manifested and inextricably stamped on the foundation of the USA, and has been propogated all over the planet via the ONE dollar bill. A similar work was accomplished when Israel manifested the meaning of the Number 430 in the history of their years in Egypt. In both cases, God designed History and Scripture in accordance with the alphanumeric values of fundamental Greek and Hebrew words (cf. Introduction to the Gematria Reference to learn about the numeric values of words).

Yet this is but the beginning. The idea of composite unity is exemplified in the Twelve Disciples surrounding Christ and the Twelve Tribes of Israel united in God. This is geometrically expressed in the hexagonal Star Number, commonly known as the Star of David, which appears in the constellation of 13 Stars above the eagle's head. Numbers of the form figure prominently in both the Creation and the Logos Holographs. It also relates to the name "Israel" that God gave to Jacob, with its numerical weight of 541 which is the Tenth Hexagonal Star Number, so that the numerical value of the name Israel forms a Star of David!

There are seven features of the Great Seal based on the Number 13:

Patterns of 13 in the Great Seal The Number 13 as Star of David
  • 13 Stars in the constellation above the eagle's head. The constellation forms a Star of David.
  • 13 Stripes in the eagle's shield made of 6 red and 7 white stripes.
  • 13 Arrows by the eagle's left talon.
  • 13 Leaves on the Olive branch in the eagle's right talon.
  • 13 Letters in E Pluribus Unum. The letter counts of 1, 8, and 4 spell Echad (One).
  • 13 Letters in Annuit Coeptis divided into 6 Letters and 7 Letters.
  • 13 Levels in the unfinished pyramid.
The Number 13 as Hexagonal Star Number

The official description This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window of the constellation above the eagle's head specifies the number but not the pattern of the stars. MacArthur notes This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window that the pattern violates the traditional laws of heraldry which forbid heraldic stars from being placed in a pattern, and in a personal communication indicated he knew of no historical explanation for the use of the hexagonal Star Number formation. All that is known is that it was used in the original seal made in 1782, and every seal thereafter. It would seem that the the Star pattern is another manifestation of the hidden hand of Divine Providence guiding the foundation and development of the USA.

In his article Thirteen Arrows This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window on GreatSeal.com, under the heading "The Power of Unity", MacArthur comments:

Infinitely stronger than a single rod, the unbreakable nature of aligned rods means that the bundle of arrows also symbolizes the power of unity – the attitude needed to successfully protect and defend one's nation, and if necessary, wage war to do so.

He then cites the moral of Aesop's Fable "The Bundle of Sticks", which is "In Unity is Strength." Given its inextricable integration with both Scripture and American History, it remains a mystery how triskaidekaphobia This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window (fear of the Number 13) ever found root in America.

E Pluribus Unum

(Echad, One)
in the USA Motto
E 1 (Aleph)
8 (Chet)
4 (Dalet)

The Latin phrase written on the banner held in the eagle's beak means "Out of Many, One" refering to the union of 13 States to form one nation under God. The source of of this phrase is explained on page 8 of the State Department's official document This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window:

The motto E Pluribus Unum, emblazoned across the scroll and clenched in the eagle's beak, expresses the union of the 13 States. Recent scholarship has pointed out the probable source of this motto: Gentlemen's Magazine, published in London from 1732 to 1922, was widely read by the educated in the American Colonies. Its title page carried that same motto and it is quite possible that it influenced the creators of the seal.

The thirteen letters of E Pluribus Unum are divided into three words consisting of 1, 8, and 4 letters, resepectively. These numbers correspond to the letters Aleph, Chet, and Dalet, spelling the word (Echad, One), which is the basis of the Unity Holograph. Clearly, no human could have contrived such a coincidence - the phrase is standard Latin that was in use before the seal was even conceived. We have a threefold integration of 1) the meaning of the phrase with 2) the number of letters and 3) the division of those letters into words. And all this is found in the Great Seal that commemorates the union of thirteen colonies as one nation under God. Nothing but the infinite Wisdom of God could have caused so many lines - biblical, linguistic, geometric, symbolic, and historical - to converge with such grace and simplicity.

1776 and the Eye of God

The reverse side of the Great Seal is officially described (page 8) as follows:

The reverse, sometimes referred to as the spiritual side of the seal, contains the 13-step pyramid with the year 1776 in Roman numerals on the base. At the summit of the pyramid is the Eye of Providence in a triangle surrounded by a Glory (rays of light) and above it appears the motto Annuit Coeptis. Along the lower circumference of the design appear the words Novus Ordo Seclorum, heralding the beginning of the new American era in 1776.


Traditional Christian Iconography combining the Triangle with symbols of the Persons of the Trinity
Traditional Christian Iconography
combining the Triangle with
symbols of the the Trinity

Note the reference to the "Glory" radiating from the "Eye of Providence." There are many examples of this symbol in Christian Churches, such as the image on the right from Kansas Wesleyan University, or this stained glass window This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window from Brophy College Prep. Oddly, there are many Christians who have lost their historical moorings to such an extent as to assert that the Eye in the Triangle is primarily an occultic symbol that has infected Christian iconography. This is a reversal of proper historic understanding. Occultists are, to a large extent, merely bad (spiritually blind) copiers. They misuse many Christian symbols, just as they misuse Scriptures, because they somehow sense that that is where the true spiritual power lies. The Triangle itself is an ancient Christian symbol of the Trinity, (cf. The Shield of the Blessed Trinity), and the Eye in the Triangle first appeared as a Christian symbol of the Omniscient Trinity no later than the seventeenth century, about a hundred years before it was adopted by occultists. The Eye in the Triangle is simply another reiteration of the interplay of Three and One that marks the Great Seal, the foundation of the United States, and the true doctrine of the Triune God revealed in Christianity.

Eye of Providence - a woodcarving given to Kansaa Wesleyan University
Eye of Providence from
Kansas Wesleyan University

The unfinished pyramid is generally taken as refering to the country as a work-in-progress, overseen by God. This then links to the Hebrew alphabet and the structure of the Wheel. The name of the Sixteenth Letter (Ayin) denotes the Eye (cf. The Eyes of God). It is the basis of the themes of Genesis 16 where the divine title "The God Who Sees" is revealed. It also manifests with perfect clarity in the Book of Zechariah (Spoke 16, Cycle 2) where the Stone with Seven Eyes is revealed and the rebuilding of the Temple of God is prophesied. All of this comes together in the date inscribed at the base of the unfinished pyramid surmounted by the Eye of Providence.

1600 160 16


Each group of three Roman numerals is a multiple of 16, the ordinal value of Ayin (Eye). The triplets are divided between the doubled letters: MDC CLX XVI: This then means that the date 1776 naturally divides into multiples of powers of Ten when written in Roman numerical letters:

1776 = 16 x 100 + 16 x 10 + 16 x 1 = 16 (Eye) x 111 (Aleph)

The Number 111 is the value of the name of the first letter (Aleph), which is literally God's Initial - the first letter of (Elohim, God) - which He designed to reflect His triune nature in 1 = A = Aleph = 111 (if we allow a little mathematipoetic license). This all conspires to declare 1776 as the Eye of God:

1776 = 16 (Eye) x 111 (Aleph)   ==> The Eye of God

This then integrates with the Creation Holograph and the first declaration of Vision from God - a metaphoric reference to the Eye of God - in the Bible, Genesis 1:4:

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

The sum of these words in Hebrew is exactly 1776. It is a very significant portion of the Creation Holograph (cf. The First Day). Is it possible to fail to see the true desitiny of the United States of America as the witness to God's Light in Christ? Her birth is marke by the numbers of His Name and His great Work of Creation!

This association between the Eye, the Number 16, and the Number 1776 has been distributed over the entire planet on the back of the American One Dollar Bill. Obviously, any meaning found here must be attributed to the Mind of God since mere men could never control their destiny sufficiently to integrate the date of a national revolution with the order and meaning of the Hebrew Alphabet as revealed in Scripture!

Light, Life, and Liberty!

The Statue of Liberty
Liberty Enlightening the World

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

John 1:1-5

The two numbers 13 and 1776 are profoundly integrated with the Divine Prologue fragment of the Creation Holograph, through the identity:

Sum of John 1:2-5 = 23088 = 13 x 1776

These numbers can be rearranged to reveal the values of the names of (YHVH, The LORD) and (Iesous, Jesus):

Sum of John 1:2-5 = 23088 = 26 (YHVH) x 888 (JESUS)

The integration of these names with the Divine Prologue and the The First Day Holographs is discussed in the Jesus and YHVH article. The two largest factors - 13 and - are both hexagonal Star numbers, which God used as the basis of the Creation Holograph. This means that the Great Seal of the United States of America and the combined alphanumeric structure of Genesis 1 and John 1 conspire to reveal the names of the Creator, the true Founder of America and Author of Scripture, the Lord God Almighty! Praise His Holy Name now and forever!

Rearranging the factors again now integrates these the Number 23088 with the Greek word for Genesis (with the definite article) and the Hebrew word for Jubile (the year of Release). Note the pattern of N x 10N+1 :

Sum of John 1.2-5 = 23088 = 48 (Jubile) x 481 (The Genesis)

The Genesis of the Jubile! Note that the Jubile happened every fifty years, and that this number now marks the number of the United States. Let us pray this be the destiny of the USA. Amen!

Finally, it is also very intriguing that John 1:1 is highly reminescent of the unfinished pyramid, since it forms the trapezoidal basis of the triangular form of Genesis 1.1 (shown here ascending rather than descending to correspond with the Seal):

An image of how this all fits together is given in the full Creation HyperHolograph. There is much more to say, but it must wait until other stones are laid. John 16:12.

Respuesta  Mensaje 37 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/10/2011 17:00
JUAN 7:22
7:22 Por cierto, Moisés os dio la circuncisión (no porque sea de Moisés, sino de los padresGenesis 17. 10); y en el día de reposo circuncidáis al hombre(22/7=3.14 (Numero PI). increiblemente tenemos un NEXO DE LA PI-RAMIDE TRUNCADA (SIMBOLO FALICO CIRCUNCIDADO) INTERRELACIONADO INCLUSO CON EL DIA DE REPOSO)
illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)
7:23 Si recibe el hombre la circuncisiónLevitico 12. 3 en el día de reposo, para que la ley de Moisés no sea quebrantada, ¿os enojáis conmigo porque en el día de reposo sané completamente a un hombre?Juan 5. 9
eagle.jpg (67393 bytes)  illuminati.jpg (58992 bytes)
Tabernacle Colors

We can see this four-fold pattern carried further in the four colors of the tabernacle, as they embody together the four-fold ministry of Jesus Christ as the chief corner-stone in the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, showing his dominion over all Creation. As we have seen, the four celestial pillars/cherubim correspond to the four  Cardinal Directions, known as the  equinox and Solstice, seen on the  eclipticand  Equatorat the four-corners of the heavens. These four cardinal points correspond to the tribes, zodiacal signs and colors as follows:

Symbols of the Cardinal Directions
Tribe of
Bible Verses Branch
North Scorpio replaced by eagle Scorpius

Dan White
Psa 75
Zech. 3:8
Ezek 1:10
Eagle"s Face & Wings
East Lion Leo Judah Purple Num 24:9
Jer. 23:5
Lion"s Face
South Man Aquarius Reuben Red Num 24:7
Zech. 6:12
of Man
Man"s Face & Hands
West Bull Taurus Ephraim
Blue Num 24:8
John 4:2
John/ Son
of God
Bull"s Face &
The vision of Ezekiel at the river Chebar describes these living creatures, specifically their four faces, matching the signs of the four Cardinal Directions of the heavens. As we have noted regarding the North, it was omitted, as only 3 sides of the Tabernacle are disclosed regarding the order of its Curtains. In the North we find the face of the sign Aquila the Eagle [Ezek.1:10], replacing that of his natural born enemy, the Scorpion/ serpent, as is evident in the triple sign Ophiuchus as he wrestles Serpens the serpent, representing the dragon who fell from his first estate as a lead archangel of God. The gap opened by this fall, will be superseded by the authority of Christ over his Body-the Church, including not only this authority over human kingdoms but angelic kingdoms also. This consistent pattern of four continues throughout the world order as seen in the four basic alchemical elements: earth, wind, fire & water. This also carries over into the four states of matter: liquid, solid, gas and Plasma, not to mention the 4 forces of nature: Gravitational force, Electromagnetic force, Weak Nuclear force and Strong Nuclear force. This basic pattern of nature is not only witnessed in the ministry of angels, but in Christ’s ministry also, as reflected in the 4 gospels above. Thus when we view the two phases of the Return of the Promised Seed, first in his sufferings second in his glory, we can see the following division along the lines of Jesus" ministry as seen in the four gospels:


He came as a man/Son of Man/Luke/Aquarius
He sacrificed his life/Servant/Mark/ Eagle for Scorpion


The Son coming in judgment/Son of God/John/Taurus
The Lion-king of Judah rending his prey/King/Matthew/Leo

These symbolic references to the four quarters of heaven, seen in the four unified faces of the Cherubim, represents a composite of the celestial/tabernacle narrative, that witnesses to the return of the promised redeemer, and his judgment on the assembly of the wicked.


Respuesta  Mensaje 38 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/10/2011 02:32

Respuesta  Mensaje 39 de 114 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/10/2011 17:22
Hageo 2:8: Mía es la plata, y mío es el ORO, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.
1. Isaías 56:7: yo los llevaré a mi santo monte, y los recrearé en mi casa de oración; sus holocaustos y sus sacrificios serán aceptos sobre mi altar; porque mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todos los pueblos.

2. Mateo 21:13: y les dijo: Escrito está: Mi casa, casa de oración será llamada; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.

3. Marcos 11:17: Y les enseñaba, diciendo: ¿No está escrito: Mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todas las naciones? Mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.

4. Lucas 19:46: diciéndoles: Escrito está: Mi casa es casa de oración; mas vosotros la habéis hecho cueva de ladrones.
9. Mateo 21:12: Y entró Jesús en el templo de Dios, y echó fuera a todos los que vendían y compraban en el templo, y volcó las mesas de los cambistas, y las sillas de los que vendían PALOMAS;

10. Marcos 11:15: Vinieron, pues, a Jerusalén; y entrando Jesús en el templo, comenzó a echar fuera a los que vendían y compraban en el templo; y volcó las mesas de los cambistas, y las sillas de los que vendían PALOMAS;

11. Juan 2:14: y halló en el templo a los que vendían bueyes, ovejas y PALOMAS, y a los cambistas allí sentados.

12. Juan 2:16: y dijo a los que vendían PALOMAS: Quitad de aquí esto, y no hagáis de la casa de mi Padre casa de mercado.
678. Hageo 2:8: Mía es la plata, y mío es el ORO, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.
58. Génesis 49:16: DAN juzgará a su pueblo, Como una de las tribus de Israel.

59. Génesis 49:17: Será DAN serpiente junto al camino, Víbora junto a la senda, Que muerde los talones del caballo, Y hace caer hacia atrás al jinete.
En aquel tiempo, respondiendo Jesús, dijo:
Te alabo, Padre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra,
que hayas escondido estas cosas (la Gnosis, la Sabiduría Oculta)
de los sabios (de los eruditos) y de los entendidos, (de los intelectuales)
y las hayas revelado á los niños. (A los Iniciados).
Así, Padre, pues que así agradó en tus ojos."
(Mateo 11: 25-26).

"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia)
y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios!
¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!"
(Romanos, 11: 33).




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